The online racing simulator
GT World Series 2014: Round 1 Administator's Notebook

Here are some observations and notes following Round 1:

Multiclass Lapping Behaviour

This was on the whole, quite good. Most GT1s behaved as they should, as did most GT2s. What needs worked on, and was the common thread in most incidents of this type we looked at: GT2 not yielding to properly presented overtaking maneuvers OR when it was wise to do so.

YES, GT2s are not to keel over and die, nor are they to make sudden moves that can cause confusion to the lapping car. HOWEVER, GT2 cars are allowed and encouraged to do a small bit of extra braking for a corner to allow the GT1 car ahead going into the corner. This should be done once it's clear the GT1 car is going for the overtake.

Doing this will allow the GT1 to use it's speed advantage to clear the situation after corner apex without the GT2 in the way, and allows the GT2 to keep most of it's desired line through that corner.

GT2s will obviously be losing time through this, but as all in the class have to deal with it, it should be fairly equal within the class.

GT2s battling each other when GT1s come to lap and GT2s being lapped by battling GT1s also need to consider how their passing the scene can affect what needs done...perhaps a GT1 coming upon a GT2 battle could wait until a longer straight, and a GT2 can yield more, but still cleanly.

Race Starts / Restarts

Again, as it was mentioned in the penalties, we expect you to keep a steady pace, with very little variation in speed when packed in the SC queue. Close following combined with sudden starts and stops is what causes the pile-ups we've seen before. It's EXACTLY like motorway driving....assured clear distance to allow time to react, but that distance goes away rapidly at a higher velocity or a sudden change in velocity.

Entering / Exiting / Loitering In Server

We saw several instances of drivers joining and quickly leaving the server. Whether this is to check their car's state or check your connection to the server is no matter - we just wish to remind you that it should be used sparingly, and that you should minimize the time spent in server doing this. You also should depart the server as quickly as possible following swapping drivers, especially during Safety Car periods. We reduce the administration presence as much as possible during those windows, but we only can do so much.

Lag Issues

We were monitoring the known laggers during the race, and requested one team to change drivers during the course of the race. We do monitor this, and just because you don't see or don't hear us actually doing anything in the public space, does NOT mean it's not being looked into. We ask that you exhibit patience and instruct your drivers to be heads up and aware of the situation so they can also take steps to avoid it.

Looking Foward

With Blackwood and South City being the next two rounds, we want to remind you that dealing with traffic will be of utmost importance, and all teams should be prepared to yield extra where able and appropriate.

We thank you for your attendance at Round 1, and look forward to seeing you at Blackwood!
Could we recommend that admins respond in the irc towards these lag messages so we know?

Gt2 start idea- run the gt2's on pit limiters when they double up.
Quote from Bmxtwins :Could we recommend that admins respond in the irc towards these lag messages so we know?

Gt2 start idea- run the gt2's on pit limiters when they double up.

All XRRs battling for last position t1
Quote from Eclipsed :Why that big difference between GT1 and GT2 fields at start? The smaller the difference,the later GT2s will be catched by lap,the more they will be spread out,the less the mess!

Quoting this,as this will become more important in shorter round 2 track.

PS. In Kyoto 250 results there are no finishing positions,just grid positions! :P
Quote from Eclipsed :Quoting this,as this will become more important in shorter round 2 track.

The GT2 cars will be released sooner for BL and SO. I'm trying to make the gap enough so we all can watch GT1 crash in T1, then watch GT2 set up for their T1 crash.
(TypeRacing) DELETED by TypeRacing
A GT2 field does not simply crash in turn 1
Meh,typical Deko - copy/paste failures and pleasure to watch others crashing...
#8 - Litro