WKD Cruise Server
(31 posts, closed, started )
The fact is h0rn, as fast as i come on teamspeak, you got my ip so you can ddos me again?

Don't think so brah

You're joking with the wrong person.
Omg I actually think I might have just sharted..
keeping the same logic as HeCosmin received ban for DoSing, some persons here should also...
is this going to be on the news?
Thread Locked.

I suggest taking to Private Messages to try and sort issues with those you are quarreling with.

If they ignore you or do not respond in your desired manner, I suggest moving on with your life, and perhaps ignoring that user if they are spamming / abusing,

There's no point in fretting/making a mess of your life because of some Internet trollfight / Internet Tough Guy / etc mess.
This thread is closed

WKD Cruise Server
(31 posts, closed, started )