The online racing simulator
Please help
(2 posts, closed, started )
#1 - setes
Please help
Hi, I have a problem ... I download the net ( ) demo versi ( the last s2 6b ... ofline game in normal function.if I wanted to connect to the net, so it somehow update itself Stahl and patches and everything seemed ok.registration was successful ... but when you log in to the server and see any other racers , or in the pits ( I see only orange triangles which does not move ?) ... they like me too invisible , only to see me, and I , too , in te table horsemen what is in the lower right (off by me or t , s, nothing at all ) ... when I try to go a track,it starts to write that I have to ride or I'll just watch (it anyone not see too ), then it suits me to the garage .... as for those skin so you can download it normally ... Please help much about you do not know already helps.its a great game and I'm sorry if it 's with you not mate .. thanks for the advice in advance ... PS:sorry for my englisch
(Flame CZE) DELETED by Flame CZE
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Please help
(2 posts, closed, started )