The online racing simulator
(7 posts, started )
I've got a weird problem with LFS/my connection in general

I can browse fine at 500 kb/s up until a random point, then the speed plummets to 10-15kb/s then picks up again to about 220kb/s.

LFS-wise I can ping servers in the server list fine, they show up at 108ms minimum. Turning Steam/MSN/other background stuff off makes the pings worse (128-150ms vs 108ms). Every time I hit refrsh in LFS I get anywhere between 42-150ms for pings each time, seen up to 400ms at times. I currently have Steam DLing FEAR at 200kb/s however, when I went to post this it dropped to 5 kb/s
Quote from DieKolkrabe :I've got a weird problem with LFS/my connection in general

I can browse fine at 500 kb/s up until a random point, then the speed plummets to 10-15kb/s then picks up again to about 220kb/s.

LFS-wise I can ping servers in the server list fine, they show up at 108ms minimum. Turning Steam/MSN/other background stuff off makes the pings worse (128-150ms vs 108ms). Every time I hit refrsh in LFS I get anywhere between 42-150ms for pings each time, seen up to 400ms at times. I currently have Steam DLing FEAR at 200kb/s however, when I went to post this it dropped to 5 kb/s

The more you use, the more you need to have, If you were posting and it dropped to 5 KB that's because you are uploading, And downloading at the same time, Turning steam and the other stuff off means your internet is like " Okay.. we can take a break" And it doesn't alot as much as you don't need to much to ping a server, just a few packets back and forth.

My internet does it to, It's internet, It has it's downspots, Just be glad because i'm suppose to get 6MB both ways and I barely get that.
Quote from TehPaws3D :snip

Sorry, but it works exactly the other way around. Internet connection has it's limit and if you get close enough to it (or worse, exceed it), you will see your ping raising, packet losses and other nice things.

@Kolkrabe: Do you experience these speed drops with any particular servers or is it a general problem? Don't get too much excited about some minor changes in ping; it's very likely to see some especially when a server you're pinging is far away from you. As a quick fix I can think of restarting your router/switch or whatever network hardware you have.
It's every server, and it's more about connection (speed drops) than stability (strength is the same). Restarting the router just makes it slow anyway.

I tested on a server and lagged out straight away, not even a LAG (x.xx), just a straight lost connection and timed out

@Paws: I'm not uploading? O.o
If the problem persists even after restarting your PC, router and shutting down all backgroung stuff that might be using the Internet, then I bet it's problem on your ISP's part.
Of course you computer might have some kind of malware running in the background and sending tons of crap though the net, but I'd check for that later...
Check for malwares or spywares, most of the times lags your connection without warning
Quote from MadCatX :If the problem persists even after restarting your PC, router and shutting down all backgroung stuff that might be using the Internet, then I bet it's problem on your ISP's part.
Of course you computer might have some kind of malware running in the background and sending tons of crap though the net, but I'd check for that later...

Malwarebytes shows clean.

ISP is TalkTalk

(7 posts, started )