The online racing simulator
IHR is seraching for skinners
(38 posts, started )
#1 - Ori
IHR is seraching for skinners
Hi everyone,

Team Ironhorse Racing is searching for skinners.

Our repertoir needs to be augmented. Hence we are looking for skilled people which can help us with their artistic talent.

Obviously their contribute will be given respective credit to and we will welcome any further involvement.


Team Ironhorse Racing (IHR)
The thing is IMO, it is hard to find any skinner. If you get one it is usually an accident, or people have just not interested...putting a little fee with as a "salary" will make wonders...

so...have you got any skinner yet? if not, I might know one who would be interested, but that's the other thing then :S
If I didn't suck a lot I would take the chance.

(Yeah, still have to finish the Surtees '64 Ferrari and the Aston Martin... xP)
Ori I'll do some. I race at IHR a decent amount. Send me pics or ideas in a PM and what cars you need done.
#5 - Ori
Quote from Bmxtwins :Ori I'll do some. I race at IHR a decent amount. Send me pics or ideas in a PM and what cars you need done.

Thanks a lot

Glad to have you helping. Saw some of your work in the NDR section and was impressed.

Here the respective thread: http://ironhorseracing.forumot ... skin-thread-t608.htm#3535

I will keep updating it and adding infos. Just tell me what you need.
hey ray if theres any you dont do ill pick them up just tell me which ones you dont want to do
what we would need. a layered version of any logos included for car (no background) and any decals (layered or link to layered) i have and Paint shop pro i will probbaly do one or two if i have time.
basic layout of FZR design i created (font can change just tell me what you used or send logos)
feel free to test it out
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I need logos guys
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#9 - Ori
thanks that should help
but... i get undefined error 565? for both i use PSP7 maybe i need a plugin
#11 - Ori
Quote from Mustangman759 :thanks that should help
but... i get undefined error 565? for both i use PSP7 maybe i need a plugin

Unfortunately I am not an expert and don't know how to work with such software. Hope anyone can help here?
Question are you saving using PS7 (photoshop 7) if so try saving as a older PSD version. if that doesnt work option two.
if you have you can transfer the layers and i can open PDN and transfer into PSD. (i know bmx has same problems we have same painting software) is the website i know it is free to download.
well off to school then i run GT3 League after so it wont be done today or most likely saturday depends.
works fine here with the ones on forum.
#14 - Ori
The emblem file has been made with Adobe Photoshop CS3.

I tried to save it as pdn but couldn't find any way to do so.
Is there a converter or something similar? Maybe that would help.

As for the error: I get error messages with most of the files I open. I strongly assume it's because I dont have all the extras the authors used.
i dont use CS3
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looked better without ribbon why dont you rap it around the corner on the front right ? looks plain there
Ok did as requested by Ori
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Waow BMX and Mustang, those skins are looking awesome!
I can't take 100% credit. Don't remember where i got those textures but have had them for over a year (not of LFS). But anyways that only took me about 20 minutes to put together.
My brother bmx has sent me his file and i will convert them to the other cars so we can speed up process
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Finished RB4
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#24 - PoVo
Nice skins, although the horse on the top is a bit too blury, try sharpen it or something
#25 - Ori
Wow. That's some sweeheet stuff guys. On the RB4 it looks even better than on the XRT.

IHR is seraching for skinners
(38 posts, started )