The online racing simulator
More serious demo racing
(24 posts, started )
More serious demo racing
I've been racing my XFG for months in demo servers just get hit by some wrecker or another i-can't-see-further-than-my-nose driver. Then i stoped. And here maybe a bit more than a month ago i reinstall LFS because it is a great sim and i like it. Tried XRT and found it much more challenging as it has rwd and more power to handle. So i start to tune my setup, run endless practice laps to get it right and to get used to the car and the sim. So when i decide that i can handle the XRT i try to play online... just to get hit by someone on each lap of the race

Is there some demo racing legue or private team or whatever servers where more serious people race who cares about racing, fun, competition and so? I am nothing in this community so far and i am not asking to give me some private team server password but i believe there is a way to get into a team or to become familiar enough for that.
I am not super-fast in the XRT, my PB on blackwood GP is 1:24.43 (online race) and i do drive smth around 1:25~ most of the time. I have been improving it lately tho.
I know that getting S2 license should be a solution for this but... it's just not so easy to afford for me (my bd is on Wednesday so this may change :shy

any help would be appreciated, thx
as u already said buy S2
no money?
if u want fair racing... u surely have some friends in the demo.
hook them up and make a private server.
or make a pub server and kick / ban the wreckers.
no other solutions for that.
Even in S2 you'll despair at T1. There's not often an S2 wrecker (can happen, but it's rare), but it is my experience there's still a lot more testosterone flying around than there is talent.

You're best bet for quality racing is to join a racing league, and for that you are going to have to have S2.
Setting up a server on my pc wouldn't result in a good ping i guess. I've tryed it a few days ago and nobody joined it

Yes, T1 is always dangerous but if there are no wreckers nearby it is quite ok even if some soft contacts aren't avoided you can continue on.

thx for advice
#5 - Vain
The fusion demo servers are said to be a nice place. Though I don't know what cars they run.

About T1:
Even in real life T1 is dangerous. There aren't that many F1 races were no cars get damaged in the first 3 corners. And those guys are professionals.
On public servers everyone develops his own strategy to avoid being involved in crashes, like running wide, or extremely narrow, but in general it's lottery.

But the best racing can obviously be found in league racing. The longer the racing distance the lower the risk that people will take, because they think: "Eh, better not crash here and wait for another opportunity"

have a soft contact between a fox and fxr, and you'll see what happens, the little fox is squashed...
Quote from Vain :But the best racing can obviously be found in league racing. The longer the racing distance the lower the risk that people will take, because they think: "Eh, better not crash here and wait for another opportunity"

Heh, well said. I don't think i am experienced enough to participate in a racing league tho. No hitting on purpose and a little bit more responsibility while making manoeuvres is all i ask for
As i see there is no other real solution to this as buying a licence.
This was quite expected i must say but i had a hope

Thank you who replied for the advice
I've been playing lfs for a few years already (since those s1 times), but by "playing" I mean firing it up when there is some spare time and do some lonely hotlapping ... Got my license with the release of s2 but very very raraly go online (just desperately doing lap after lap in hotlapping with no significant improvement). The reason I think is just as marsaz described it - u often can't get clean, fun and close racing in demo servers, which I have to join because of driving only road cars(like them much more and also use mouse).
It's a shame that xrg/t and fz5(my favourite - 911 4evah) aren't driven much if at all in s2 ...

to marsaz: isheis patchas, matyt pirxiu dfp, gal tada dazniau online busiu - noretusi gi kada normaliai su kuo palenktyniaut
#10 - Vain
There are a lot of leagues where you don't have to be fast to participate, just clean. I prefer those leagues over others, because the behaviour is less elitist and more friendly.
Also, in leagues it is more important to be consistant and safe. A good hotlap gets you nowhere when you end in the gravel every 20 minutes.

Well, i there isn't many guys driving the XFG or XRT in S2 :-(
#12 - Vain
The XRG is popular. Just the XRT isn't because of the FXO dominance .
Someday all the XRT-fans should gather on a server and have some fun together - that'd be awesome.

For good racing in demo I recommend you to join Masknet & Serbian Racing Team server. Even though most of the people that race there are licenced they still maintain the demo server for many of our friends, admins (SERT members) are there most of the time and its a nice place to be. People gather usually late in the evenings, so join and have a good time and good races.

If you want good XRT races in demo, well you better ask SERT guys about it, cause I can't remember now if Svemirko Joca still runs his server.
Want to join a team good clean raceing fair pm me
but the same can be said about xfg dominance vs xrg
as this discussion has been raised on numerous threads I do realy hope that the patch will reduce the strugle with rwd's and bring them back to or better of beyond the speed of fwd's (as they SHOULD be a bit faster but a bit harder to control)... imo
Ghost car
If you are driving all alone and want to improve, maybe try the ghost car from this website

It's more fun then racing alone. Some people like it, some don't, maybe you already tried it, but I just thought it would be a suggestion to try

Quote from MarioX :I've been playing lfs for a few years already (since those s1 times), but by "playing" I mean firing it up when there is some spare time and do some lonely hotlapping ... Got my license with the release of s2 but very very raraly go online (just desperately doing lap after lap in hotlapping with no significant improvement). The reason I think is just as marsaz described it - u often can't get clean, fun and close racing in demo servers, which I have to join because of driving only road cars(like them much more and also use mouse).
It's a shame that xrg/t and fz5(my favourite - 911 4evah) aren't driven much if at all in s2 ...

to marsaz: isheis patchas, matyt pirxiu dfp, gal tada dazniau online busiu - noretusi gi kada normaliai su kuo palenktyniaut

I think i would drive some faster car for more tight competition if i had S2

Thx for those suggestions about servers, i'll try them later
Yes, i have tried ghost mode and i like it. It is good as you can actually see in which parts of the track you can(should) improve but it is no match for the online fun you can get with nice and clean competition

MarioX - \o/ smagu matyt tautiecius cia nors dauguma lietuviu, kuriuos sutikau, nepaliko gero ispudzio, turbut del patirties neturejimo. Nesakau, kad nepaliko ispudzio del to, kad jie leti, nepaliko ispudzio, nes daro nesamones trasoj
LFS Europe is the best racing server
This is where Joca, Spikee, Homie, V17, Vito, Speedyboy, Evo Elec all hang out...

Low :23s are common, apart from when Joca comes down from his sacred mountain and blitzes everyone with a 22. Watch out for their last-corner-last-lap shenanigans, too...

Sadly for me, my pings times are too high so after a while they start grumbling and I have to skulk off, left to endure the endless drift servers in Australia...

Quote from Aegilops :This is where Joca, Spikee, Homie, V17, Vito, Speedyboy, Evo Elec all hang out...

Low :23s are common, apart from when Joca comes down from his sacred mountain and blitzes everyone with a 22. Watch out for their last-corner-last-lap shenanigans, too...

Sadly for me, my pings times are too high so after a while they start grumbling and I have to skulk off, left to endure the endless drift servers in Australia...


I've just got back from it to check the forums
I have been racing recently in that server. Pings are under 100ms since i live in europe too so i think it is quite ok. It isn't safe from wreckers. They are banned on sight tho and people who race there are quite fast and clean. I like it
Sorry for native language to marsaz

Sveikas Aš demo žaidžiau nuo tada kada atsirado S2, pradėjau rimtai žaisti nuo vasaros. Šiaip tada dar lietuviu išvis beveik ten nebuvo, dabar jų nemažai bet kaip ir pats sakei debilai jie Bet patikėk buna servų tikrai neblogų, dar neseniai žaidžiau ir kaip tyčia atėjau į servą, kuriame vien geri žaidėjai, ir banino tuos iskart kurie vos kokia nesamone pradėjo daryt O šiaip susirask daug draugų, su jais bus įdomiau žaisti Heh dabar nelabai galiu žaisti, nes biški kitokių reikalų turiu, o šiaip lfs man geriausias geimas, gaila taves anksčiau nesutikau, nes tikrai nelengva rasti lietuviu kurie normaliai važinėtų
Racing Challange- Demo
Hi, maybe the following is an solution u might can take advantage of. The reason why I started playing LFS was the so called Racing-Challange. This was back in 2005 a racing legue where all demo-drivers were able to participate. Races were driven every two weeks, later on even every week (weekends). During ur race-free-time u were able to qualify just by driving on special servers organized for that event. U just needed to register and then race with that registerd name. Ur fastest lap was than put onto a list and u could see how u did compared to other racers. To make it more attractive for even not so skilled drivers, they divided them into pro's and rookie's. On saturday the first round took place and on sunday second and final round were done. The best 2 drivers of the pro and rookie grid qualified for an offline final racing event in Frankfurt (Germany). There the best of the best participated and even got nice prizes though. Everyone was given a certain amount of money to be able to get to that event. There were people from the UK, Hungary, CZE, Poland and Estonia. I gues far more natinalitys were actually on site. If this isn't motivation to u at all, what else could?

The fact is, it was unusually fair driving because every race was observed by admins and afterwards being analysed. If there was any unfairnes being done, those drivers got punished.

At the moment there is no challange but at the end of this year there will be one again, like last year. There are no news at all but wait for the 2006 Games Convention in Leipzig (Germany). There the started this project and it is likely to be, that they will anounce something new. So, if u have some time go visit the official website to that event. Unfortunatly it is mostly in german. So if u have any questions feel free to ask me. I'll be happy to answer. The actual host of this event is the ocrana racing team. so maybe u have also a look on their site since it could be in english but I am not sure. (

plz do not count my mistakes. I am no native so no chance to get everything right. Sorry.

#22 - Mc21
When I used to be in demo.. It was always the first corner that was the problem.. Brake early and while their all playing banger racing.. Pass them all.
Quote from Aegilops :This is where Joca, Spikee, Homie, V17, Vito, Speedyboy, Evo Elec all hang out...

Low :23s are common, apart from when Joca comes down from his sacred mountain and blitzes everyone with a 22. Watch out for their last-corner-last-lap shenanigans, too...

Sadly for me, my pings times are too high so after a while they start grumbling and I have to skulk off, left to endure the endless drift servers in Australia...


next race is XRT @ BL
Quote from Aegilops :Sadly for me, my pings times are too high so after a while they start grumbling and I have to skulk off, left to endure the endless drift servers in Australia...

Rakhsh INDEED!!!!

Best Place in Australia to Race
Also check out ARSE "Australian Race Sim Enthusiasts"

More serious demo racing
(24 posts, started )