Thanks to Erazotropa for providing his sources for me to continue development on this 

Virtual LFS Dashboard V0.2.3
The Virtual Dashboard for Live for Speed!
Works with OutGauge, Can be used on you Primary or Secondary monitor.
OR you can use it over a LAN on a second Laptop/PC!
Note: LAN users set the outguage delay to 5 to fix lags on the dials
Various screen resolutions available!!
Whats New in v0.2.3?[/B]
* Updated for Z25 and above *
* Variable Max Dial RPM for each car *
* New Dashboard Lights *
* Keyboard (NumLock, ScrollLock) LED Turn Signals *
* Turn signal Click Sounds *
* Top Speed Needle (See your top speed in each car) *
* Shift Up Indicator will work in all cars, Yes ALL cars (if enabled) *
* New "Shift Up" Voice for all cars *

Latest Downloads:
Official Link: VLFSDash v0.2.3
Official Source: VLFSDash Source v0.2.3
Layout 1024x768: VLFSDash 1024x768 v0.2.3
Layout Changed: VLFSDash Layout v0.2.3
(Please Don't Post Mirrors, Try To Keep All Downloads To This Post)
(PM Me Your Mirror Downloads, And I Will Add Them)
Works with OutGauge, Can be used on you Primary or Secondary monitor.
OR you can use it over a LAN on a second Laptop/PC!
Note: LAN users set the outguage delay to 5 to fix lags on the dials

Various screen resolutions available!!
Whats New in v0.2.3?[/B]
* Updated for Z25 and above *
* Variable Max Dial RPM for each car *
* New Dashboard Lights *
* Keyboard (NumLock, ScrollLock) LED Turn Signals *
* Turn signal Click Sounds *
* Top Speed Needle (See your top speed in each car) *
* Shift Up Indicator will work in all cars, Yes ALL cars (if enabled) *
* New "Shift Up" Voice for all cars *

Latest Downloads:
Official Link: VLFSDash v0.2.3
Official Source: VLFSDash Source v0.2.3
Layout 1024x768: VLFSDash 1024x768 v0.2.3
Layout Changed: VLFSDash Layout v0.2.3
(Please Don't Post Mirrors, Try To Keep All Downloads To This Post)
(PM Me Your Mirror Downloads, And I Will Add Them)