The online racing simulator
Help needed [Countdown]
(7 posts, started )
Help needed [Countdown]
Hi all.
I need some help with either a lapper or insim count down system like a traifc light system or somthign simular either on a lapper or insim but lapper prefered. I have tried makign my own but i can never seem to get it right so was wonding if you guys could help.
thanks alex
Since you've not been very clear exactly what you want, you might want to take a look at ... =28815&highlight=drag

If that's not what you're after can you be more specific than "traifc light system or somthign simular" [sic]? What do you want this system to be capable of doing?
hi no that not what im after i just need teh count system i dont want all teh timing or anything els. want it so players can type !count and the light system will give them a count down using a light or in chate
Some code for doing something similar in Lapper.

I've put it as an Admin function, but this could easily be changed.

First part for Event OnLeaveRace()
Event OnLeaveRace() # Player event
openPrivButton( "easyklikadmin",1,90,20,8,2,-1,32,langEngine( "%{main_easyklikadmin}%" ),OnClickAdmin );

Then add further sub-routine
Sub OnClickAdmin( $KeyFlags,$id )
IF( UserInGroup( "admin",$userName ) == 1 )
openPrivButton( "timer",70,70,50,10,10,10,32,"^7Race will start in approx ^1(%cpt%) ^7seconds",OnClikCloseTimer );

Then to close timer button automatically when timer runs down
Sub SE_OnClikCloseTimer() # Sinanju Event
closePrivButton ("timer")

Finally, in the LANG "EN" section
main_easyklikadmin = "^1Admin";

See how you get on.
Made new countdown timer that can be used with LFSLapper.

See Lapper section of the forum for code.

I've loaded video onto youtube - - to show what it looks like.
Quote from bunder9999 :what's with all the broken vertexes?

Quite a few months ago, I loaded new Nvidia drivers. It all went pear shape. So I deleted them, and put older drivers back on. Still same. Put still older drivers on. No better. Newer drivers. Nope.

I think my Geforce 7600 GS AGP 8x graphix card is dying.

Don't have funds to be able to go out and get new one.

Help needed [Countdown]
(7 posts, started )