The online racing simulator
Clutch axis not working properly [not a bug]
Hello all, I have a little problem with my cluch axis in LFS.

If I fully press the clutch in LFS X and then slightly release it, it will really 'release' it in LFS too. But in Y and Z patch, it does so just as I reach nearly the half of the clutch range... I tried to calibrate them but no change at all.
Please, see the attachments for more info

I would be glad if someone hepled me
Attached images
A feature, not a bug

In previous versions the clutch started biting immediately after you released the clutch pedal a tiny bit, which wasn't very realistic (brand new cars might be similar, but even on them it's not as extreme as it was in LFS) and forced many people to use DXTweak to manipulate the pedal range to simulate this properly. In patch Z this has been fixed.

Now if you for whatever reason want to make the clutch bite immediately, you'll now have to fiddle around with DXTweak to make it so a fully depressed pedal only reports as 2/3 to 3/4 depressed in game.
Ahaah Thanks, I didn't know that.
It's nice that the shifter doesn't bite instantly but I would like it to bite even later.

I'm also using a G25, and I'm having a bit of a problem getting the car into gear sometimes, especially going from 2nd to 3rd. So, I would like the game to think I have depressed the pedal fully when I only have depressed it, let's say, 80%. This would compress the sensitivity range and make the range where the clutch is fully disengaged wider.

I tried changing some settings in Logitech Profiler but the only thing I managed was to make it act like it is always a bit depressed and when it's actually fully depressed the game thought it was at about 90%. So infact the opposite of what I wanted.

So, how about those tweaks, what do I do? Or is there a way to make the clutch bite at less pressure in-game?
ok, so download a program called "DXTweak"

and it is pretty easy to figure out.