The online racing simulator
New curb WE1
(34 posts, started )
Quote from Shadowww :Forum is FREE, so noone have to pay for beeng there.
Offtopic forum is even for non-LFSers.

And your point is? Really, it's quite insulting to be insulted by a demo user.

Let me put this into perspective, by comparing in principle, an immigrant who comes from Eastern Europe, who comes into Europe, has been here for not far off a year, who doesn't have a job or pay any taxes because they're on benefits (that's the 'not buying S2 for nearly a year' thing) and tells myself (or any other British citizen for that matter) that I'm annoying/rude/useless/any other derogotory comment. It's just not on.

Tbh, Takumi, if you dislike G!NhO so much, I suggest you either argue it out in PM's, go and fight each other face to face, or one of you add the other to your ignore list, because this whole thing is not cool. This thread is not the place for childish bickering (which to be honest, both of you act very much like children very much of the time, so you're both as bad as each other in my view).

To the PM's!

I should start a thread called "LFS UFC meet" for the purpose of Takumi and Ginho to fight it out face to face.

Oh, and S14 please don't associate Eastern European immigrants with unemployment. Eastern Europeans have arguably the best education in the world (the only good thing to come out of decades of communism), and immigrants from these countries usually have to work very hard to find jobs just because of the fact they are immigrants. But they do get jobs, and they do a better job than the local people thanks to their education. You'll never understand what it's like to be an immigrant from Eastern Europe, so don't judge them unless you want to be judged yourself.
Judge me

No joke, all the Eastern European people I've met in this county, apart from the odd dentist, are working in the local Burger King.

Besides, my original comment was that they often come to the UK and live on our benefits. Which they do. What they do in their own country is no concern of mine.
however, nice curb.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :however, nice curb.


... oh you was talking about his work ...

I thought it was like a euphemism for ... nevermind
Quote from asbjoern :well...what does the PM tell?? caus all i see is random letters:P

it says: strange

Why did you change your date of birth?

I know you were 2-3 year younger than me.

Wow, chill
Actually I would love to see the curbs in red/yellow combination, they just need to be higher res and not that bright as they are now.

I have not read thorught the whole thead, because it's silly, but at least keep the critism CONSTRUCTIVE as S14 tells.

How can anyone know what to do when they get the reply "they suck" ?
Instead you could tell him that it's not quite your taste, and tbh they look bad, they are too bright and could need a gamme correction / light correction.
Even if that might sounds harsh you at least then gives him something he can change, instead of just saying it sucks.
try to make it more high res and give it a more normal color...
i dont think it looks too bad, bit for effort and i think it will look good. promising so far.

New curb WE1
(34 posts, started )