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Anyone been too any music concerts this year?
(42 posts, started )
i´ve seen B52´s last weekend only the second time they came to germany in long years of making music!
Quote from flonoen :I have been to Foo Fighters (with queens of the stone age as warmup), Bruce Springsteen, and Metallica. Best of the lot was of course Bruce!

I had 4 tickets to Metallica, one for me, one for a cousin, and two for two different friends. But i made a huge mistake and gave the one ticket (that belonged to my friend) away to my sister the day of the concert, since i totally forgot the fact that it belonged to my friend. When he showed up a couple of hours before the concert and asked for his ticket, i got the worst guilt-trip of my life! I ended up buying a "blackmarket"ticket on the way to the concert for him, for 1500NOK. Since the original price was 850NOK, i don't think that was very much. In conclusion: if you really wanted, you could just show up outside the concert and buy one there.

I also heard rumors that Bruce-tickets was sold WAY cheaper than they orignially cost, when the concert had started, because the blackmarket-dealers had just mis-calculated the demand. Dunno if that is true though, I actually doubt it.

But the distance where I love to the concert is over 6 hours, and I don't want to take that risk to not getting a ticket when it's that far
Pendulum is coming to Hungary in August
When I saw Ted Nugent last year I was 5 rows back from center stage and there was a guy that said that the music would be so loud that it would be like standing 2 feet away from a jet engine at full blast without any ear protection which was around 180dB maby a little bit more I forget what he said. I didn't get my hearing back untill 4 o'clock the next day.
Quote from wheel4hummer :None. Why would I want to listen to music with a bunch of smelly people screaming at the top of their lungs, only to lose my hearing and make it more difficult for me to hear music when it isn't being played from 15in 120dB speakers, just below the threshold of pain. I guess people don't go to concerts for the music. For the money that concert tickets cost, the amount of gas it takes to drive to them, etc, you might as well buy a 15in speaker or two, and some amps, and invite some people over to your house, and throw on some illegally downloaded music. You could even charge people, and then you would almost break even!

Last time I was at a concert, there was no downloading of illegal music. There was nothing to download the music with....
This year I've seen:

Avenged Sevenfold
Bullet For My Valentine
Behind Crimson Eyes
The Go! Team way back in March, was bloody fantastic
So far this year I've been to:

Sonata Arctica
Download Festival
Bon Jovi

Upcoming in the next few months is:

In Flames
Upcoming tonight is Albany Down. You forgot us!

I'm surprised to see another Thunder fan around though. I've been a fan for years and met them backstage a few times before they stopped doing the fan club meet and greets. My mum and I ended up having drinks with them at their hotel in Newcastle one time. I think Chris was trying to pull her, which disturbing as it may be, did result in a few laughs
The Thunder gig is mainly for my dad - they're his favourite band so when they're playing we'll usually go and watch them together. It's really good being able to go to gigs with my dad.
Updating my list, saw Flyleaf last night (It was a free show), I also saw Congress of a Crow and the All American Rejects a while back.
im going to Motely Crue this tuesday!!!!!
pff, I could list every band that came to the Hurricane Festival i went to this summer, but the ones i really enjoyed were Foo Fighters, Deichkind, Beatsteaks, Does It Offend You, Yeah? (did the tune for the FnF4 trailer), Kaiserchiefs and Black Rebell Motorcycle Club :headbang:
Saw Firewind, Kiuas (who were AMAZING), Turisas and Dragonforce last week. I've had to trim a few of my upcoming gigs from the list I posted before, due to time and money constraints. My next are Thunder and Korpiklaani in December. I *might* go and see Airbourne in a few weeks too.
Suicide Silence with Carnifex a couple of months back. They will come back to Montreal soon too!
Going to this in a week or so

Quote :A five band line up paying homage to the life and times of Arnie featuring…

Soulfracture as THE TERMINATOR
Hospital Of Death as COMMANDO