The online racing simulator
Jack, your talking about the 300 mb one...the 640 is better than the GT.

I have...
Intel Pentium 4 (mhmm sucks)
Windows XP

and I dont know from there.
#27 - Jakg
No, the 320 and 640 MB 8800GTS' are using the older G80 core which makes more heat and runs slower. The 8800GT (using the G92 core) is faster than the G80 GTS, and the "new" 512 MB 8800GTS (also a G92) is faster still.

If you have a P4 that will be the limiting factor - theres no point in spending so much on a GFX card to have it bottlenecked.

BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING do you know if you have a PCI-e or AGP slot? Do you know if you even have a graphics slot at all?
I know I have a graphix slot, and I am checking that today At the store, I was told Black is good Brown is bad...This is true?

hmmm, I think it might of been the 512 mb one then...
#29 - Jakg
Black is good, brown is bad?!


My PCI-e slots are white and blue.

Ignore the fools.

You ideally want a PCI-e 16x slot - if it's an older AGP slot then the cards are slower and more expensive. You also need to make sure you don't have a VIA KT800 chipset if your going to get a PCI-e 2 card (like the G92 8800's or the 3850/3870).

Once again - you need to make sure your PSU is up to scratch.
For some reason I am getting the feeling I am going to have to replace the whole computer to get a better graphix card and monitor Oh well, I guess I keep saving..
OK, so you say that its not worth buying anything with Pentium 4?

Thanks for your help Jack.
Quote from Jakg :
If you have a P4 that will be the limiting factor - theres no point in spending so much on a GFX card to have it bottlenecked.

#32 - Jakg
Well if it's onboard, then an 8800GT will never really be able to use it's full power as it will always be waiting for the CPU (sort-of)

a 7600GT / 7600GT would be a nice cheap upgrade though.
Ok, I have to go to school now. I am going to open up my computer after school and take some pictures. I will post them when I am done. THe computer is two years old. Do you know from the age what it might be?

Quote from racer hero :Ok, I have to go to school now. I am going to open up my computer after school and take some pictures. I will post them when I am done. THe computer is two years old. Do you know from the age what it might be?


Not really.. If you have the make & model of your PC, we would able to check your specs online...

But it sounds like Jakg is right, it would be pointless wasting money on a serious gfx hard with your setup.
I think that if your desperate for a new monitor, then i would suggest getting the monitor, and coupling that with a budget card like a 7600GS/GT. These are still good cards, and are enough to play a game life LFS at a nice resolution and detail. But anyway, i think it would be best doing that, then maybe replacing the entire computer at a later date.
Quote from Jakg :22" Widescreen - 1680*1050.

19" 4:3 - 1280*1024.

You gain 26 pixels in height...

I ment physical display area and 1280:1024 ain't 4:3
You can put 22" wide and 19" 4:3 next to each other for comparison and see for yourself.
Quote from pb32000 :But you can have multiple windows open, which can be very useful (that said 16:10 still isn't wide enough for that really, unless you have a large resolution).

I think also wouldn't a 22" widescreen be about as high as a 19" 4:3 screen?

One of the main selling points of the Sony FW900 was you could view two full-size 8.5x11 pages side-by-side on one screen. That and it had a max resolution that has only recently been beaten by 30" LCD's.
Quote from Jakg :Black is good, brown is bad?!


My PCI-e slots are white and blue.

Ignore the fools.

theyre right though... the standard colour for agp is brown and black for pcie

Quote from Forbin :That and it had a max resolution that has only recently been beaten by 30" LCD's.

although tbh the most sensible setting for it is 1600*1000@100hz
1920x1200 @ 85Hz worked fine for me.
Quote from Shotglass :theyre right though... the standard colour for agp is brown and black for pciealthough tbh the most sensible setting for it is 1600*1000@100hz

My AGP is green, and my PCI is white
Alright! Its a PCI-E I am probablly going to get a Nvidia 7600 GT. Now to just go buy it