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Paintball Guns
(7 posts, started )
Paintball Guns
Saturday i went to my cousins house and a couple of his friends asked me if I want to play some. It was my first time ever playing and now since I'v played I want to start playing more. So I am wondering...What is the best gun to get around the $150-200 range...pref below $200.


Without a doubt the Tippmann 98-Custom was the marker of choice when I got into it a few years ago. Haven't played in a couple years now, but I'm sure it's still up there. It's stupidly easy to maintain and such, and it's extremely durable. Also, it is highly modabble, so once you get more into playing you can upgrade it to suit your play style. If you're willing to go up a little more you can get the Tippmann A-5 which is better in every regard, and even more modabble.
Spider TLR is a good all around gun. Probably along the same lines as the tippmann but comes close to your budget including a CO2 tank, barrel plug and cleaning kit. I bought an American (brand name) barrel that really boosted the accuracy. I'll say that spyders are more easily and inexpensively modded. Electronic trigger frames, triggers, feed tubes, barrels, dropforwards, regulators, low pressure chambers, velocity adjusters are all easy to come by. It is very popular because it adapts to the player. A new player will enjoy it stock but it can be modded into a serious competition gun.
Alright thanks guys.
Quote from flymike91 :Spider TLR is a good all around gun. Probably along the same lines as the tippmann but comes close to your budget including a CO2 tank, barrel plug and cleaning kit. I bought an American (brand name) barrel that really boosted the accuracy. I'll say that spyders are more easily and inexpensively modded. Electronic trigger frames, triggers, feed tubes, barrels, dropforwards, regulators, low pressure chambers, velocity adjusters are all easy to come by. It is very popular because it adapts to the player. A new player will enjoy it stock but it can be modded into a serious competition gun.

Last I looked into it the spyders were just hitting the market, they sound like a good marker.

I would suggest getting a used marker first and go a season on that personally, I know I started playing but only ended up playing for a season. You playing rec ball or speed ball?
#6 - th84
I got a Tippman 98 custom pro (the custom pro has the drop forward and double trigger) with the flatline barrell, m-14 stock and expansion chamber. I also got a tippman x-7 which is in a whole diffrent class, but a bit more expensive.

Cant get much better than the 98 for the money.

I would be willing to sell my 98 if your intrested, it has only been fired about 200 times, or 5 or so games worth (I also have masks, pods, co2 tanks, remote line etc etc).
I think im going to get a 98 Custom, I can get a good price for around $120 with goggles, gloves, hopper etc in a kit ready to go.

Paintball Guns
(7 posts, started )