The online racing simulator
Team Name?!
(88 posts, started )
We've got it... Clutch Kickers Motorsport :P
how about clutch knickers Motorsport?
Fusion Racing << it sounds fmiliar.. is it a team?? sorry if it is.

Surge Racing

i cant think of much right now, ^_^'

EDIT: clutch kickers motorsport is a cool name, sorry for my post
Steel Racing Tean

Dorift Race Team
Crazy Motorsports
Dorito drifting team
Bukkake Storm Racing ?)
#59 - Foqs
How about:
Moderators, pls close this thread Racing Team [M,pcttRT]
* Tokitoki extreme drift cruizers
* Leadfoot racing
Onyx Motion
the nameless
Oooh I got another...
<Insert cool name here>
T.I.T racing no idea what T.i.T stands for but looks cool as a name
Töki in Trouble.
SXD Super Xrt Drifters


GTR Giant Turd Racers


TME Toki's Men Eaters

How about NOW?
Noobs On Wheels
Bocs töki csak 1 ötlet
So, what does CK stands for?
Failure Brothers racing |FBR|
How about, Team name.
think this should be locked now, too much spam!. But what dya expect from such a stupid thread
Hardcore Ambition Racers?

For all the pirates out there.


Team Name?!
(88 posts, started )