The online racing simulator
Changing from kph to mph should automatically change speed limit signs.
I know that this was discussed on RSC before, but I thought I'd mention it here since it's a pretty big bug in my opinion. When you change your preferences to display mph instead of kph the game should automatically change the speed limit signs in the pits to mph as well. A friend of mine tried LFS for the first time the other day and couldn't figure out why he kept getting stop-and-go penalties. I know that there's a workaround to change the graphics from KPH to MPH, but this should be done automatically by the game. Most users won't go through the trouble of manually editing game files to fix this.
Very good point. I kept doing this untill i worked out that 80 KHM is around 48MPH, it is a thing which i think needs to be done.

Or just put both speeds in the same sign.
But yeah, a good point, I haven't noticed that because I never change'em
#4 - Gunn
If you race in one country the signs may be in miles. If you race in another country the signs may be in kilometers.

Since the only sign that you need to obey is the pit speed limit then there's no big problem here really for most people, I would imagine. If you wish to change the signs yourself you could try editing the DDS files.

Currently the speed signs occupy image files with other textures and signs used in game. Changing the speed signs would mean making duplicates of all the existing DDS files that contain speed signs (and distance signs leading up to a corner) or else making new texture files from the beginning. Furthermore some tracks have different signage than others.

So this is not a simple thing as far as labour intensity goes.
If absolute reality is your dish then perhaps the speed signs in LFS should just refelct the country they are (virtually) located in? This would not give you your magic changing signs of course.

Most of the time I don't even notice any speed signs, I'm too busy racing. The braking markers (distance signs) leading to a corner don't need to be any particular measurement really, numbers are numbers.

So until or unless you ever get this feature in LFS you may like to try to edit the signs yourself (Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro handle DDS files after installing a small plugin).

As for the speed limit in the pit lane, 50mph (49.71) or 80kph is the limit.
I use 50mph signs in my version. There are several 'texture packs' back on RSC if you want them. I'm sure they'll be reposted here eventually...
Bump, but this is pretty important imo. in the new patch, sign will be "skinnable" right? It seems like it would be fairly easy to switch the signs automatically when you change units in options.
-1. Units should be whatever unit that particular country (location of the track) uses, not what the user chooses. When you go to a real track they don't change the signs for you - you have to figure it out for yourself.
-1. It's not worth doing anything about. Just memorize the value, learn the conversion rate, or just use the metric system.
Dynamic texture-loading for something so trivial seems like a lot of work for no reason And of course you might end up with issues when different people are using different texture packs and all kinds of OOS errors could occur.

So I think it might just be easier to include both speeds on the signs

Anyway, aren't most the tracks UK based (Ok, Fern Bay isnt ...)

And Kyoto isn't.

But South City and Blackwood are. Not sure about the autocross/drag strip, but I'd imagine it is.

Most circuits, even in the UK, set speed limits in km/h.
Most series use km/h anyway, and the LFS pit lane speed limit is set to 80 km/h. No need really - use the limiter, remember the right number or just use proper units
Quote from Dajmin :Dynamic texture-loading for something so trivial seems like a lot of work for no reason

I'm unsure what the hard work would be. Surely this would just be an if-else in place of a single line (using a different filename for the texture based on the speed units). You could assume that people won't be changing their speed units mid race, so there's no need to re-load textures.
or write a tiny km/h under the "80" sign.
It really isn't that hard to remember that the pitlane speed limit is 49 mph
Well 80kmh = 49.71 mph, so I don't see how that works

Unless the speedo rounds the speed up
you can go 81 or 82 km/h in the pitlane actually..
It was introduced in Y that you can go 1mph over the pit limit, because some people were moaning that they went exactly 80km/h, and still got a penalty...

I used to use mph, but switched to km/h recently enough, and it's not that hard to get used to. When I was with mph, I managed to remember the only speed limit (49mph) in all of LFS most of the time

Why? All reasons have been already said
Prolly the safer way is to look at the tach and memorize at which rpm the speed is 80kph. Then either try to remember it or put small bit of red (racing) tape on the dash. So when you are on 2nd gear you can match the revs with the stripe and...:

(although it might be easier to just have two versions of the damn sign)
Attached images
Actually the issue is not even the signs, its that its difficult to see 49 mph on the analogue display. I've been using km/h since demo so it was really just a passing thought.