The online racing simulator
Quote from sgt.flippy :Per say, it's wrongly spelled French and I can't really explain what it means.. But I'll try.
"And he wanted to have it per say", it would mean he wanted it no matter what and nobody could change his mind.

"per se" is latin, it means "by itself"

Most common usage these days is in law

when y race in Conedodgers , allways block the chat , is more easy
Quote from The General Lee :Also, binded "Sorry" really annoys me, I get a feeling they don't really mean it. If they went through the little bit of hassle to type sorry to me, I would be much happier.

Grr I am 100% with you there, especially on cruise servers

mine are omg, wtf, nob, and GTFO
Quote from frokki :Binded swearnig

O.o What servers are you on??

My top five:

1) Cruise binds. I /hate/ them

2) Sorry binds

3) the 'a player is connecting' one, usually 'HELP! A PLAYER IS CONNECTING! I CAN'T PIT OR TALK' (You know who you are).

4) Blue flag binds

5) People who spam binds

Quote from Bladerunner :"per se" is latin, it means "by itself"

Most common usage these days is in law


And over here it's used like I described, but apparantly nobody knows how to write it
-Substituting the word "please" with "plz". How difficult is it to type the extra three letters, and spell it correctly, you troglodyte, mouth breathing morons!

I feel better now.

-People who speak Spanish and all of it's sub languages and, when expressing that they are laughing, type out "jajajajajajaja", so to me it looks like some German went insane and essentially typed out "yesyyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes".
Quote from jayhawk :-Substituting the word "please" with "plz". How difficult is it to type the extra two letters, and spell it correctly,

Three letters.
"hi/bye/soz/lol/goodrace/goodpass/NOS/careful into T1/USE BRAKES/blue flag MOVE/" in one bind.
Quote from samforey12345 :"hi/bye/soz/lol/goodrace/goodpass/NOS/careful into T1/USE BRAKES/blue flag MOVE/" in one bind.

Haha, I know that one, I saw it too. I think it was meant as a joke.
Quote from jayhawk :-People who speak Spanish and all of it's sub languages and, when expressing that they are laughing, type out "jajajajajajaja", so to me it looks like some German went insane and essentially typed out "yesyyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes".

You owe me a new keyboard, I just spat coffee into it

But agred, it's annoying.

Quote from jayhawk :-Substituting the word "please" with "plz". How difficult is it to type the extra two letters, and spell it correctly, you troglodyte, mouth breathing morons!I feel better now.

-People who speak Spanish and all of it's sub languages and, when expressing that they are laughing, type out "jajajajajajaja", so to me it looks like some German went insane and essentially typed out "yesyyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes".

Quote from DieKolkrabe :You owe me a new keyboard, I just spat coffee into it

But agred, it's annoying.


jajajajajajajaja :banana_ra
^ Make that TWO new keyboards :P