Race Spectator 0.1
This program allows you to follow an live LFS race without being connected to the host.
After selecting a racer from the list it displays: splittimes, bestlap, current position, pitstops. When a racer has a yellow or blue flag, the flag will appear infront of the racers nickname.
The drawing of the track with the racers seems a bit basic. I'm working to display the track based on the smx files, but i have some problems with smooth rendering.
I've release RS because the old lfsspecator didnt work with the X update. It might not look as lfsspectator, next release will contain more features. The main thing is that the basic is released.
Edit: Race Spectator 0.2
Right, after some hard work, and hunting bugs RS 0.2 is done. I've splitted the program in several windows.
You can make each window visible and hide it too, you can decide which information you would like to see.
I've included an team tracking feature. In the config file you need to add the lfs usernames of each 'team member' which is going to drive in the 'team race event'. It doesnt matter who is driving, the teamlaps will be counted.
Unzip the rar file and execute RaceSpectator.exe
You need .net Framework 0.2 to make it work. link: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=543212#post543212
See the Race Spectator manual and for more screenshots.
Screenshot of the main window.

Download mirror (felplacerad)
Victor made an 2D spectating tool -> http://www.lfsworld.net/remote/
This program allows you to follow an live LFS race without being connected to the host.
After selecting a racer from the list it displays: splittimes, bestlap, current position, pitstops. When a racer has a yellow or blue flag, the flag will appear infront of the racers nickname.
The drawing of the track with the racers seems a bit basic. I'm working to display the track based on the smx files, but i have some problems with smooth rendering.
I've release RS because the old lfsspecator didnt work with the X update. It might not look as lfsspectator, next release will contain more features. The main thing is that the basic is released.
Edit: Race Spectator 0.2
Right, after some hard work, and hunting bugs RS 0.2 is done. I've splitted the program in several windows.
You can make each window visible and hide it too, you can decide which information you would like to see.
I've included an team tracking feature. In the config file you need to add the lfs usernames of each 'team member' which is going to drive in the 'team race event'. It doesnt matter who is driving, the teamlaps will be counted.
Unzip the rar file and execute RaceSpectator.exe
You need .net Framework 0.2 to make it work. link: http://www.lfsforum.net/showthread.php?p=543212#post543212
See the Race Spectator manual and for more screenshots.
Screenshot of the main window.

Download mirror (felplacerad)
Victor made an 2D spectating tool -> http://www.lfsworld.net/remote/