The online racing simulator
Is a tool codeable that cuts and saves the replays automaticaly?
Hi there!

A question to all programmers!

If someone arranges a 24hRace or a Lonrun like that, it would be advantageous that admins can save into pieces cutted replays.
If someone of the Racewatchers or a racers teammate informs the admins about a foul the admins have not seen, they only have to know in which lap the incident happened and chooce the cutted replay to consult about a penalty!

Is it possible to code a tool which cuts the replays in 5 or 10 min pieces or better 5 or 10 laps and saves them automaticaly?

It would give a Raceadmin a new weight and an explicit authority

#thx 4 the answer
Afaik you can save a replay but then no new one is recorded...

You could probably join the server, wait 5 minutes, save the replay, disconnect and does that in a loop, but that would probably be very irritating.
#3 - Swat
didn't someone just release a replay fast forwarder thingy?
the complainer could just post the time of the incident, then fast-forward the tape, done.
You can fast-forward in the game anyway by pressed F3, then F2 to slow it down again.
Blacklion has build a tool where you can fastforward x seconds, and also rewind. The rewind is simple a reload of the replay and than a fastforward.

You can find the Tool in our Forum:
(Note: the forum is german, but the Readme with an description in the zip archive is english)
:doh: sorry missed this thread
I read the readme.txt of the LFS fast forward-tool
Note: Forwarding speed depends on CPU power. Good systems should be able to forward in 8x speed or faster. During forwarding, no car movement is displayed and sound is turned off.

I don´t think it´s fast enough to find a dangerous racesituation in an 6h or 24h Replay and watch it twice or three times and talk about a penalty!
Are you sure it stops recording when you save, I thought that once a car goes over a split / lap it becomes a saveable replay again. Using that you could have an application that saves out the replay periodically, using the new server side replay system.
cant u just press alt+tab copy the temp.mpr => rename it and the normal temp.mpr continues?
Quote from Belain :cant u just press alt+tab copy the temp.mpr => rename it and the normal temp.mpr continues?

Nope. The question was to cut out the beginning part of a replay. It doesn't matter what is after the 'event' in the replay.
Quote from GeForz :Afaik you can save a replay but then no new one is recorded...

You could probably join the server, wait 5 minutes, save the replay, disconnect and does that in a loop, but that would probably be very irritating.

Yes that´s the problem. At 2nd Replay-Save lfs says: no replay recorded

Quote from BeckyRose :Are you sure it stops recording when you save, I thought that once a car goes over a split / lap it becomes a saveable replay again. Using that you could have an application that saves out the replay periodically, using the new server side replay system.

which new server side replay system?
Have i missed out on something?
I was just thinking about the marshalling by replay issue and it's something I've come across for my marshalling needs as well. Have you considered using an LFSSpectator approach? I.e. use the smx files for create an overhead and record the MCI packets at a fairly high rate. Now you should treat your race as a timeline that you can scrub back and forth across an incident. Sure it's an overhead approximation, but that's probably almost better for determining who cut whose line, etc.
Let's revive this old thread

You might want to have a look at mprEdit - it should do what you need