The online racing simulator
No anti-aliasing at 1680x1050 32bit (ATI)
I've been wondering about this a while, I cannot get anti-aliasing to work at 1680x1050 32bit on my Radeon X1950 Pro AGP. It works fine in lower resolutions and even 1680x1050 16bit, which is what I have to now use for LFS.

Running a smaller resolution isn't really sensible since I have a LCD monitor.

I've tried a couple of different drivers and different AA settings (with and without AF), but nothing seems to make it work. Does anyone have similar experiences or any clues?
Hi Batterypark,

i think it might be simmilar issue like the other guys having on ATI cards.
It seems the AA doesnt work properly with LFS.I think some of the code in drivers is broken.

Please report at ATI(AMD) pages like Sniiki did.The more guys will raise a ticket about LFS and AA issue the more attention it will get.

In the second lind some guy having problem running LFS at 32bit mode at native resolution of his LCD.There might be combination of both in LFS. 32bit rendering issue and AA.

Sorry to hear you having problems.
The thing is I experience the same issue in other games as well, not just LFS.
so its time to report that to ATI
Same problem here, 1680x1050 32-bit and no AA/AF.

I think this issue must have been reported to ATI already, since they still haven't released drivers for over a month. They must be working hard on it (I hope :schwitz.
the new driver is not yet because they spend most of the time to get finally some decent driver for HD 2900XT.Thats it.

even it has been reported already we need more reports made to ATI.The more they will see it the higher chance it will get upper on their list of things to fix.

Please report as well.
Here what works for me..1920x1200 32 bit

Get ati tray tools and start using it

Start game

back to desktop and right mouse click that ati tray icon on bottom right your screen...then click /display/reset display driver

Enter back to game

I also have a x1950 pro (agp) and AA doesn't seem to work at any resolution.

I play at 1280x1024 because the rest of my pc isn't that fast.. (athlon xp 2400+, 1GB ram) but i would like some anti aliasing for sure!


problem is solved.. i just messed with the catalyst control center some more and it works fine. Now i run 2x AA and 16x AF and that doesn't seem to lower the framerates noticably
#9 - steve
Theres a way around it if you start the game in a lower res, then switch to your res you want, I have the same problems when running LFS when its the same as my desktop res.

So try starting the game in 1024x768 or something, then switch to 1680x1050..