LFS: Is getting old?
(125 posts, started )
LFS: Is getting old?
Its just a question, but what do you think? My point is that we have the best all time online racing game and the best overall physics, but its gettin old. why? I dont know exactly. But will be Scawen, Victor and Eric prepared to fight against next racing games that are coming in for next generation hard? Is LFS getting old?

#2 - Vain
The only thing about LFS getting old are those few stupid problems that never get fixed. Like collision detection, the LSD diffs, aero damage...
Though the LSD diffs surely are the most obvious and disturbing problem.

#3 - ajp71
Look at S1, then look at S2 again then think of S3 again

I agree with Vain, I'd add to the diffs are by far the most offensive IMO but I'd also add to the list, still no option to prevent player hack and, this ones bad as well, open top racing Minis.

Unfortunately the current LFS seems to be determined to shout about two massive flaws in its physics, lack of chassis flex and god knows what's going on with the diffs. Thing is IRL neither would be there so they're really a silly option.
(felplacerad) DELETED by felplacerad
Name an online racing/driving game better than LFS?
Where are all these great new racing games that drive us all away from LFS?
Not come across any yet.
#5 - joen
Quote from glassonionz :But will be Scawen, Victor and Eric prepared to fight against next racing games that are coming in for next generation hard?

Which games?
Scavier doesn't see other sims/games as something they have to compete with. The satisfaction of creating the game their way is what's most important to them. At least that's what I always got out of their statements.

Quote :
Is LFS getting old?

No. Sure LFS isn't perfect, and the devs will be the first to agree on this. That's why it's in development. And I'm enjoying the ride.

Anyway, threads like this have come up before. Although it was claimed to be dead in those, the principle remains the same.
I think time is someway running out in a way that people probably have way too high hopes about S3 features.
There are times when I get bored of it and move on to other games for a while. I've been playing a lot of Richard Burns Rally and GTR2 lately, for instance. But I always come back to LFS eventually and, each time I do, I appreciate it even more.
IMHO it's a person's own fault if he has high expectations that aren't based on what he can realistically expect and then feels let down. I haven't seen a definitive list (i.e. one written by Scawen/Eric) of what we will see in S3 (let alone when we can expect to see it), so if I imagine a whole bunch of things (e.g. a hovercraft or a dirt speedway, rather than something realistic like improved collisions and physics) and then I don't get them it's my own fault if I'm disappointed.

I don't think time's running out for LFS. Some of the cars look a few years old but it's no drawback as far as I'm concerned - my other favourite racer features 40-year old F1 cars after all. I don't look at the cars while I'm actually driving them, and the way they feel when they drive is the most important thing to me. Of course there are areas that need improving but I'd like to see a sim that doesn't have some wrinkles that need ironing. As we all know, there many sims out there that have been released as "complete" which are nowhere near the quality of LFS and have glaring holes in their driving model, to mention just one area. LFS has the advantage of being a WIP and any facet of it can always be updated/patched/improved on the run, at no cost to the user (until S3 of course). Sure the LSD diffs, aero damage and collision details (among other things) need improvement right now, but to call them "stupid" or "annoying" is a little over the top imho It's not like the devs are purposely holding back development on these areas on purpose, just to piss people off! Anyway, there are brilliant workarounds for those areas (except for the LSD problem): don't crash

I'm not really sure what the OP means by "time is running out". Is there some kind of deadline approaching when LFS is supposed to have achieved something in particular? I think LFS is pretty secure for the time being. It's carved itself a great little niche in sim-racing and done it in a very individual & independent way which should make the devs proud of themselves and their product. Sometimes, it seems to me, LFS is not even competing directly with other sims like rF and GTR, rather it seems to run parallel to them and in many areas outruns them, without the aid of a slipstream
Let's hope that this won't turn into an flamewar about LFS and "when the next patch is..."

I'd like to see new gameplay elements added to LFS. Diffs should get fixed, they have been wrong quite some time already. False starts and improved damage modelling could really spice up the racing. It still a bit too much hotlapping from start to finish. Same old requests are rewindable replays, better setup management, improvements to collision detection (or whatever is the moonflight issue) and better sounds.

Racing in LFS is still quite similar like it was way back in 2003 (?) when I first tried the test demo against the ai drivers at rally blackwood. LFS is still a bit slippery with it's tire modelling, arcadey with some gamish elements (mini maps) on some parts and not very user friendly on some areas.

The wishlist is long, I hope the devs choose the right ones in right order
I think the devs should get some more, other respecatable, responsable people to help them get updates going quicker, and to keep the sim up to date with the newer, large-company designed ones.
I agree with most of the posts, that LFS is still the most fun racing sim out there. However; I also agree that a few small changes or additions would go a long way. A new car or new track every now and then adds a lot of flavor to the game and makes it fresh. Once some of the long time issues are addressed, I think LFS will be even more fun and more challenging.

I have a feeling that the next patch we get is going to blow our socks off. Scawen finally has the opportunity to do some non-compatible stuff, so we actually have a chance of seeing rolling starts, stalling cars, clutch model changes, physics changes, etc. I think these are the things that people have been looking forward to the most, and they're also the things that could really shake up the whole racing scene in LFS. A few cars and/or tracks would just be icing on the cake.
LFS is old anyways lol.. when did the first demo come out? 2001? 6 years since first release i'd call it old

then again.. now that i think about it, GT4 came out feb. 2005.. even its starting to get some age onto it
I've bought 2 racing games/simulations in the last 9 years the first was GPL , the pleasure and sheer addiction from GPL lasted 5 years and I will never forget those days.

Then I downloaded the LFS demo and it started all over again,and its still going strong, My biggest wish is for the sounds in LFS to reflect the Buzz I still get from driving the cars .

I vote long life.
#14 - Tick
Let me say this. "this is the BEST unfinished game I have ever played"

I frequently step back from LFS, ie: Life, Work, Other games. I dont race as much as I should but when I do I always enjoy it. My advise, if its getting old. Take a step back for a while, play another game. When you finnaly pick it up again it will be all new and a challenge to see if you can still turn those times you used to.


Hell Im old, but I never get tired of taking time out to play.
Nah...I think LFS isnt old, even though it was around for a very long time...
IMHO Games while still in development dont get old...
the thing is it may be 6 years since the first demo but the current version is far from the first demo and i love games that are still in development becouse if you dont like something then if you wait it will probably get sorted other than games that have faults you know you are stuck with
I think this is rather quick development for a game produced by 3 people, 2 of which do the actual coding and design.

I mean, they do have lifes outside of the interweb, ya know.
#18 - Gunn
LFS is still the most satisfying sim on the market. I put it like this: New games get old fast while LFS remains timeless.
Ditto jay & Gunn. Right on :up:
The reason LFS isn't "old" for me is because of how deep the simulation is. There's always ways to improve, go quicker, race better, understand the car better, etc.. I sometimes wonder if the super-fast guys feel the same way though.
LOL Is LFS old?
LOL yeah, but so is chess and poker. you don't see those games going out of style do you? And really, just what "new" titles are there for the PC anyways?
Most everything I see being released is for a console and those types of games aren't in the same category as LFS. When I go to Best Buy or whatever and run thru the games area the only titles I see much of are first person shooters.

Hmmm... going back to chess and poker... Do you think a video game title will ever reach the status of those two?
Quote from Racer Y :LOL Is LFS old?

Hmmm... going back to chess and poker... Do you think a video game title will ever reach the status of those two?


It is a good analogy, however.
Of course its getting old. I joined in the pre-S1 days and while the physics and everything else has been greatly improved, the graphics have only marginally been bumped up since then. You can only stare at the same thing long enough before becoming bored, no matter how much the interplay between you and track and car are improved. Its been well over a year (I think) since we last saw a preview clip for fog I think. Until theres weather added, or the cars and tracks get a fresh update, it will look the same as it did for a long time now. Just my opinion mind you
Like a fine wine some things improve with age and LFS is one of those things
I only wish it were true for me, but every year I feel more and more like Im turning into a grumpy old man

#25 - nilo
lfs for ever
If S3 comes 2007/2008 everything is just fine.

I wonder what happens after S3. It would be so nice to see LFS will be released as open-source, say 3 Years after S3. This way LFS would never get old.

LFS: Is getting old?
(125 posts, started )