The online racing simulator
#1 - Gazzz
Boo =)

Back into lfs... although i do need a race frame before i can play with my wheel...

anyway, to all the oldbies, hello! To the newer guys, hello as well =)

edit: lmao. Wrong forum...

this one looks so similar to RSC.

#2 - joen
Yet it's so much faster, better, busier and more fun than RSC though
This IS the right forum
This is the official LFS forum, so you're indeed at the right place

RSC was a good home while we where there, but since we left in August 2005 everything changed for the better. LFS simply outgrew RSC, and imagining the activity of this community coupled with the nowadays snail like speed of RSC is horrendous.
"Gazzz is spelled with 3 Z's" if i remember correctly
It think I raced you looong time ago back in pre S1 days
i remember gazzz