The online racing simulator
New Years Resolutions
(40 posts, started )
Quote from spankmeyer :
  1. I'll try not to hide my issues under a pile of work that keeps my mind away from the real stuff I need to work out.
  2. I'll try to keep my artistic integrity by releasing more sub-par punk metal.
  3. I'll share my home with two cats. This has been planned for two years already, but never had the courage to make the call.
That's about it. You think I'm able to pull those off?

if u wan't to, u can do it!
My resolution? To get a better job.. soon. I can't stand Wal-Mart any longer! haha

But seriously.... I want to make the bike trip from my home in Ajax, Ontario, to the GO Train Station in Rouge Hill along the Waterfront Trail. I haven't calculated the distance, but I estimate the round trip around 30-40km with the route I'll be taking. I know I can do it, if I get off of these night shifts. It's only twice as far as what I rode every day during the summer last year This goal MUST be accomplished BEFORE August.

Aside from that? Keep off all the weight I lost from working and biking last year. (I've lost 40 pounds in the last 4 months!) I'm at the point now where I should start bulking up (properly, with muscle and not flab) or else I'll be lookin way too skinny... I've already had to buy new pants twice, and I'll need a third set of jeans soon as the ones I got last week are already too big :P I think I'm down to a 30 waist...
#28 - CSU1
This year I have vowed to do the following:
  • Vulcanize the whoopee stick In the ham wallet
  • Cattle prod the oyster ditch With the lap rocket
  • Batter dip the cranny ax In the gut locker
  • Retrofit the pudding hatch With the boink swatter
  • Marinate the nether rod In the squish mitten
  • Power drill the yippee bog With the dude piston
  • Pressure wash the quiver bone In the bitch wrinkle
  • Cannonball the fiddle cove With the pork steeple
That will make my year fun I guess

Stop listening to Bloodhound Gang!
In short:
* Do an course
* Do some more vendor specific exams (I will do my LPIC this year )
* Improve my fitness
* Spend less time working out of hours
* Spend more time with those I love
* Do training course for Isle of Man TT marshalling
* Put above into practise by marshalling at TT2007
* Improve my fitness, which will be needed to...
* a skydive
* Do some snowboarding
* Take the ZX-10R on a trackday at Oulton Park / other long course (apart from the TT Mountain Course ).

There some other things I'd like to do, but they'll be dependant on money:
* Upgrade the brakes on the ZX-10R
* Perhaps fit a steering damper to it as well
* Upgrade computer
* Replace snowboard

Good luck with yours!
Quote from Xaid0n :ouch 6 years? this comp isn't my original, the only thing original from my first comp is the motherboard, other than that everything is "new". hope you get a new comp this year dude

Yeah, thanks, man.
New Year's Rezzos & stuff
Anyone got anything they're promising to do/stop doing this year? I generally don't make resolutions myself, because I have no idea what circumstances I'll end up that may force me to break them. For example, what if I resolved not to smack anyone upside the head in 2007 and then I met James Allen? He'd make a liar out of me!

TBH though, I have reached a decision not to post so much this year. I was thinking about all the crap I posted in '06 and decided that very little of it had any merit or other redeeming features. Also, I had a long, chilled-out break over Chrisbo without much internet, TV (except for cricket) or PC gaming time and really didn't miss it at all - which made me smile! Those of you who may have read some of my essays/rants may well be breathing a sigh of relief, and those of you who don't know me from a bar of yellow soap (the majority, I'll assume) won't notice and won't give half a shit.

Thing is, I got back from my Christmas break and, when I'd normally fire up my PC straight away and spend a couple of hours catching up with news and events both in the real and gaming world and spamming a few forums I visit, I didn't turn it on for a couple of days and only then for ten minutes, to check my email and bank accounts. I looked at a few forums and thought "Wow, I really don't care about 99% of what's being said here. Why the hell do I spend so much time reading & contributing these damn things?". I unclamped my Momo and put it to one side and said "I'll race again when I feel like it". I've not played a single game of any sort since being back from my vacation and really haven't cared to at all. Feels good! I used to almost feel chained to my PC - almost scared that I'd lose all my mad gaming skills if I didn't play anything, or miss a patch or update for a game or something else similarly unimportant (in the grand scheme of things) and now I'm indifferent Sure doesn't bother me though. Lots of other things to keep me occupied - band (gigs imminent, finally!), new bike, dog, among other things. Anyone else experience this attitude-shift lately?

Anyway, if you've got some NY resolutions or thoughts on the subject, share 'em. If you noticed or formed a new dislike for forums/the net in general (except for obvious, tiny pockets of useful sanity that you frequent) or a general apathy toward gaming/your PC in general over the past few weeks/months, share those thoughts too!

BTW I'm at work, hence the big fat post. It sort of had to be big to provide context If I was at home you wouldn't hear a peep outa me.
Play LFS more.
Didn't we have a New Year's Resolution thread already? :P

LIke I said in the other, I'm biking from my house to the Rouge Hill GO-Train station. 40km round trip I think. Once the spring hits and I have daylight hours to bike (I'm a night shift worker, so I sleep during the day) and it's not too soggy out, I'll be up there and back every single day after work. Rain or shine, depending on the path (I don't know half of it. If there's a lot of dirt trails I might forget the trip on the rainiest of days.)
yeh lol i did seartch and didnt' find no thread about ny resoluztions lol

40km, nice. What's your bike?
My round trip to work is maybe 20km atm. With all the bushfire smoke hanging about it's making the commute very interesting indeed - interesting enough to give me a respiratory infection and yesterday off work in fact. Maybe having a new bike has contributed to my PC apathy, hmmm...would be nice to live closer to some trails. Think I'll wait until the fires are out though - though they've been burning since November and we aren't expecting rain anytime soon :S
Yep, there was an existing thread... and now they're merged.
Complete my last year's new year's resolution!

That was bowl a 300 game. I was only able to get a 262.

I was also hoping to buy a house, hopefully by the end of the year,

and continue to upgrade my damn computer until it's able to run Flight Sim X with all sliders right!
Mine is to get a G25.
Quote from DTrott :Mine is to get a G25.

So is mine, so if you get one and then give it to me we have both achived our resolutions! and before someone ruins my grand plan my second resolution is to keep a G25

New Years Resolutions
(40 posts, started )