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Quote from DarkTimes :OK - the first error listed there says:

- Could not locate the assembly 'LFS_External'. Check to make sure this assembly exists on disk

So... the problem is that the compiler is being told to use the LFS_External library, but it doesn't know where to find it. A reference to that library has not been added to the project yet. All of the other errors on that screenshot are just a result of it not being able to find that one library. It actually warns you those errors might happen!

- You may get compilation errors

Now, I don't know VB.NET at all, but you should be able to right-click on the project in the solution explorer and select 'add reference'. On the references dialog, select the 'browse' tab and then find the LFS_External.dll which should have been included in the zip file you downloaded from this thread.

I believe that once the reference to the library has been added, you should be able to build the project without any problems.

It was a bit more complicated than that, but I got it working just now.
I'm now testing it on my server and I succesfully made a form with a button that can be clicked.
Mentioned button then throws a simple messagebox with a snapshot of some basic info about Players.ToArray(0) like used car etc etc.

Would there be any documentation/tutorials available for this VB.NET SDK lib?
As it is totally awesome, even after just 2 minutes experience with it, but it's a challenge to find out everything on my own.
Right now I'm trying to create a button or something in LFS (through the external app... or... well...)

My goal is to make an InSim app for my server, a bit like the cruise systems that we all know (no physical access to the machine tho).
Is this possible with this?

Yes, I'm a total n00b
S2 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :I find that the Visual Studio conversion process works pretty well actually. What errors are you getting when you try to convert it? In my experience once you've converted a project, you then need to build it before the errors and warnings will go away. Many of the errors you see are just a result of Visual Studio looking for .NET references and assemblies which haven't been built yet.

Here's a screenie of what I get. Seems like it fails to find all references.. ?
I thought this would be a good practice for my rusty VB.NET skills, but you wouldn't believe the hours I've spent on this forum trying to find ANY insim/outsim tutorials, SDK Libs, examples... that is at least a bit up to date, or even just works at all

I don't have the time to work out everything from scratch... and there are plenty of out-dated tools, examples, tutorials etc. etc. so there must be something that still works? Right? Am I really missing something obvious? (wouldn't be the first time ^^)
If there's any useful VB.NET stuff for InSim (or C#, PHP, hell even C++ if I have to), I beg you to put an end to my suffering.
S2 licensed
Quote from DarkTimes :No that's a part of the OutSim protocol by design.

Oh I see, thanks for the explaining

Got a new question tho; does anyone have a VB.NET kit that works with VS.Net 2008?
As the latest version available (OP) needs conversion when I open it, resulting in a billion errors, as usual.

Please pretty please? anyone?
S2 licensed
I got excited like a kid on christmas, but after installing I get this error when I try to run it:

Runtime error '5':
Invalid procedure call or argument

Never had any problems with previous versions etc..
Can't wait to waste whole nights analysing and tweaking my setups with this awesome tool, once again

EDIT: I fixed it, apparantly installing the new version over the old one caused the error. After completely removing the previous version and re-installing the new one, it worked! YAY!
Last edited by Shagrathx, . Reason : Fixed
S2 licensed
Quote from Jsm :I have a quick (semi) releated question to LFSTweak etc, apologies in advanced if this has already been covered in this thread or it cant be discussed etc. I was wondering what do you guys use to find the memory addresses and their values?

Just a simple memory editor, I think CE is one of the easiest.
There's a few methods, for LFS I think you should search for floats, as I remember most values being floats.

Then it depends, if you know the initial value, just search for that, change it ingame and search for the new value.
But quite often, even if you THINK you know the initial value, you don't really know. Then just keep searching for increased/decreased/unchanged values, after doing the corresponding action ingame ofc.
Also, be careful, LFS (like... all apps) doesn't like you changing random stuff in the process memory. Prepare for possible crashes etc

You'd be surprised how powerful it can be, once you explore stuff past the obvious (car stat tweaking)...

WARNING: Don't do this while on-line! I even keep a seperate LFS install for this sort of 'experiments'.
I don't know for sure and I'm not eager to try, but editting the process is often treated as cheating by many online games (although most vital data comes from the server).
Last edited by Shagrathx, . Reason : Warning ^^
S2 licensed
Quote from Ripley :Welcome.

Somehow, I feel like I killed that thread
S2 licensed
Quote from DavidTiger :Can you please update this? Would only take 2 minutes

Do I have to decompile and edit it myself?? Seems no-one cares about this anymore

Would be nice to have an update indeed

OutSim only updates when I'm in certain "views" (cockpit view for instance, but no follow view). Is that an issue related to the lack of update too?
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Everyone who uses less steering than the ingame car even if his wheel would allow him to use more is a huge pussy and should be ashamed of himself


I always use the same as the car I'm driving.
Race, cruise or even drifting (attempts)... sure I like to win, but I'm not giving in fun and realism just so I can beat the other guy by milliseconds.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ripley :You could maybe run LFS remote on the second monitor to show the "bigger map"...maybe...
EQ Worry's Aonio app also shows lots of info, I don't know if/how it runs on a separate monitor though...

Few servers support LFS Remote, a shame, but nice where it's available.
Honestly I never came across that Aonio app before, but I downloaded it and gave it a quick shot. Looks good and has potential... love the ability and depth of configuration possibilities.

Tho I still don't have a use for my second monitor, my main got even better.
Thanks for the info!
S2 licensed
I'm also interested in this sort of setup, 2 monitors, 1 main and 1 mirror.
In fact, I've been looking for a way to use my secondary monitor (15" LCD) with LFS, but I still can't find anything that would enhance the experience for me.

Main problem is that my main is a 24", so the difference between the two monitors makes it impossible to use them combined for a larger view (yes, I tried, more than I can or wish to remember).
All applications that show info outside LFS are useless to me, as I can see the same stuff in LFS while playing.

Just for the record, my main LFS activities are cruise & more serious racing (FB1, UF1/UFR, GTR's).

This is a list of stuff I had hoped to put on my secondary monitor:
- Vehicle data (tires, suspension, clutch... like F9-12 and shift-L stuff)
- Overview of players and any useful info about them (car, status, position, ...)
- Bigger map (So I can disable it on main monitor)
- Chat and similar stuff that I like to see, but oftenly distracts me.
- Different views (as if I would spectate myself, but in a different view, as I like to drive cockpit view, but on 1 monitor I have no idea what's happening around me unless I use the look left/right buttons and then crash into things).
- Mirrors and/or small sideviews.
- ...

List goes on into infinity...

So far NONE of this can be shown on my second monitor.
The only thing that isn't 100% absolutely impossible is the mirror/sideway view, tho I fail to achieve this without making LFS completely unplayable.

So... if anyone knows how to accomplish this or anything else mentioned in my post, free cookies.