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S3 licensed
Maybe the problem with the Sirocco is that it represents a real life car you can buy. I imagine that VW are quite picky when it come to the dynamics of the car. In these litigious times, no car company would want to be held over a model that does not conform to the actual car. I can just see some half-wit wrapping their nice shiny new car around a lamp post and blaming it on a poor simulation that managed to take the corner.
Maybe I'm way off mark, but it would make sense.
S3 licensed
You don't have to have an 8" monitor, any will do. 17" next to a 22" works quite nice :-)
S3 licensed
Really like this app. Can't wait to see what you have in store for the next revision.
Nice one :-)
S3 licensed
I'm pretty satisfied at the moment but if there was one thing i'd like to see, Bathurst.....
S3 licensed
Ha Ha fun times...