The online racing simulator
ive made good points all round fortunately youre not the judge on... goodnessies
also ive made that point earlier and so has tristan but you chose to ignore it

will you be sitting in the pits for 10 minutes waiting for everything to get up to temperature while being fully immersed too?
Quote from Shotglass :will you be sitting in the pits for 10 minutes waiting for everything to get up to temperature while being fully immersed too?

I would if it was modelled so realistically that it was necessary.

Apologies if you brought up the cold engine at the start of a race before. I must have missed it amongst all the rubbish about not being able to operate the switches
Heh, this must be the only one thread ever where I have ever felt that nk pro gets bashed for nothing. Can't see the switches, can't heat the car properly, can't find instructions, can't like the suspension, can't be bothered to start the engine because it is unrealistic and lot of work... and so forth...

I mean, whine whine whine
Quote from The Moose :I would if it was modelled so realistically that it was necessary.

i rest my case and spend my 10 minutes enjoying myself in a simulator that allows you to drive
#55 - SamH
Quote from Hyperactive :Heh, this must be the only one thread ever where I have ever felt that nk pro gets bashed for nothing. Can't see the switches, can't heat the car properly, can't find instructions, can't like the suspension, can't be bothered to start the engine because it is unrealistic and lot of work... and so forth...

I mean, whine whine whine

I'm just marvelling at the prophetic thread title

Guys, I know (we ALL know) that you got bitten badly when nkP was first launched. I don't think anyone would dare to dispute that. But we're a couple of years on now and effort is being made to make the money that you paid, that you didn't get value for, have value at last.

I think perhaps it's worth getting with the programme/program and easing off the overly antagonistic demeanour towards nkP. Apart from anything else, you're just not coming across as rational.
The system in nKp ain't so bad, it just takes very little time anyway. I like that the button must be kept down until the engine starts up, unlike LFS.

No matter the time I saved with the ignition, I wasted probably twice as much looking for the switch to turn the dashboard on (eventually I gave up and later found out there's no such option in demo... to think some people moan about LFS demo offering too little)
Quote from SamH :Apart from anything else, you're just not coming across as rational.

heh comming from a fia conspiracy theorist
#58 - SamH
Quote from Shotglass :heh comming from a fia conspiracy theorist

I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all
terrorist? Sorry the worth theorist is not so well known in non-english countries, however terrorist is somehow.
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :terrorist? Sorry the worth theorist is not so well known in non-english countries, however terrorist is somehow.

Don't potht with your mouth full.
how the hell do i turn the display on the steering wheel on?
Quote from G!NhO :how the hell do i turn the display on the steering wheel on?

it's not possible by default in the demo, but I think there was some way to trick the system. But it was something like "press a for 3.4 secs, right click mouse, press 10 buttons while hitting your head on the desk in rythm with 2stroke engine @ 3141 rpm..."

pi hidden
Quote from three_jump :it's not possible by default in the demo, but I think there was some way to trick the system. But it was something like "press a for 3.4 secs, right click mouse, press 10 buttons while hitting your head on the desk in rythm with 2stroke engine @ 3141 rpm..."

pi hidden

After trying this all I got was:

Quote from Gills4life :After trying this all I got was:

That's because 3J forgot to add in the Rubik's cube...

I can't believe how off topic this has gone. It started out with some simple questions about starting the car and configuring pedals and what has it become?
Quote from three_jump :it's not possible by default in the demo, but I think there was some way to trick the system. But it was something like "press a for 3.4 secs, right click mouse, press 10 buttons while hitting your head on the desk in rythm with 2stroke engine @ 3141 rpm..."

pi hidden

thanks ill try that

I read up about it and they closed that 'hole'' in one of the patches. Just wait for 1.03 (1-2 weeks likely) and you can run online multiplayer and have the AIM display working.
Quote from g!nho :how The Hell Do I Turn The Display On The Steering Wheel On?


Quote from nightshift :(eventually I Gave Up And Later Found Out There's No Such Option In Demo... To Think Some People Moan About Lfs Demo Offering Too Little)

haha, well ill wait and download the 1.03 version when its out
actually, a serious question...

How can I setup my dfp steering to 100% linear ingame? (or does it only work when I reduce the rotation in the logi profiler?)
isnt there a slider somewhere in the options for linearity?
Quote from Shotglass :isnt there a slider somewhere in the options for linearity?

that never made any difference for me.