The online racing simulator
Feeling of emptyness
(167 posts, started )
#51 - AMB
Yup I do, most of the time.
You know guys. About 6-8 months ago, I felt exactly the same. I never used to go out, Never used to socialise and just constantly sit on my pc. I used to, Whats the point. All I do is sit around doing nothing, with no one. My life only changed when I got a job, got some money and then got a car. I now never have them thoughts and I'm hardly ever inside on my pc now.

What your feeling is probley due to being on the pc so much. Get out and get a life, It will help you a lot!
Quote from wheel4hummer :Does anyone else feel like their life is empty and meaningless? For some reason, I have started to feel that way. I get poor grades in school, and I can't see myself succeeding in life. My social skills are also sort of lacking, as I spend most of my time alone at home, or getting into arguments with my parents over random stuff. It sucks that I feel like this. Also, I kind of want a girlfriend, who I can actually love and will love me back in the same way. But then I started thinking, what is the point, anyway? No female probably feels the same way as me about this. And, I want to have a relatively good looking girlfriend, if possible. But why do looks matter? I guess it's because I want to feel better then other people. So then, I thought, do I really even need/want a girlfriend, or do I just want people to think of me a certain way? That's where there is a crisis with that, I don't really think it matters. Why do people feel the need to have a girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other, anyway? Obviously it is purely psychological and not really necessary. So, I'm confused about my feelings towards that. And, if I ever ask out a girl and she doesn't want to go out with me because I'm not good looking enough, then I guess I can't complain since I would think the same thing if a girl whom I thought was not good looking enough were to ask me out. But, at some point I will get desperate enough that I probably won't care what they look like as much.

Another thing that I was thinking about, is a feeling of my life being meaningless. What does it mean for ones life to be meaningful, anyway? Having lots of friends, going to parties, etc. (things that I don't do) do not make your life very meaningful. But people who are really social, and "successful" in life may feel that their life has meaning. But is that really meaningfulness?

I would like to be able to get to a point where I no longer worry about where my life is headed, and just act on what is happening at that moment and have no worries whatsoever. Regardless of whether or not I accomplish what I wish to accomplish in life, as long as I am not worrying constantly and having a feeling of emptiness then I'd be happy. I think my main problem is lack of certainty. I can not function without knowing what is going to be the result of my actions (or lack thereof). I need to get over my apparent phobia of uncertainty, and just live. No matter how unsuccessful I am, or whatever happens to me, at least I am living. If I end up living alone and never having a girlfriend, then I guess that could happen. This is an incredibly long post/rant. I just have no idea on why I feel the way that I feel. I value life though, and as empty as my life feels, it is just as meaningful as anyone else's, because I am a living person just like everyone else. When I actually think into it perhaps a little to much, I realize that we are all just a bunch of atoms.

Bottom line is, in my opinion: Meaningfulness is overrated.

If anyone has reached the end of my rant, I thank you for reading it. And I hope I didn't make anyone depressed enough to want to jump of a bridge (Even I would never want to kill myself, because then I wouldn't be able to complain about how much my life sucks to everyone. And I feel so uncertain about everything, that I never would do that because I would be too petrified about what would happen if I survive, and end up living life paralyzed AND with a feeling of meaningless. At least then I'd be drugged up on narcotic pain killers. :razz

Whel i know this feeling only mine is or was bit more of a extremer case.
The point of humans seeking love is basicly this the only thing humans can stand is lonelyness its the only feeling we humans cant learb to live with.
Without killing ourselves from it that is.

The fact is that it doenst realy matter what others think of U aslong as your happy with your pesrnolaty and it doenst harm others.

Im having this kind of troubles to mainly becaus Im AUTISTIC.
This gives me alot of problems mainly in social interaction wich is kind of pain in the ass alot of times.
So i need to find ways so i can interact I suggest u do the same maybe it wil help i have friend here in my town who also has the same intrests as me so helps alot
Quote from The Moose :Serious or not, that is the most stupid thing I've seen in this thread.

The last thing someone who is feeling the way the OP is needs is drugs.

Drugs/drink just make those feelings worse.

A lot of drugs can be fun, for a while, until it all comes crashing down around you.

Think before opening your mouth.

Don't worry, I'm not going to do drugs. If I were going to spend money, I would buy a G25, that would make me happier then drugs would.

I'd rather not end up like this.
#55 - aoun
Drugs feel good at the time, eventually, the bad feelings + depression + etc you feel now, times it by 10.... ..maybe 100 times worse.

Dude you need to find an out. Just something that takes your mind off everything and makes ya smile. Something that really gets your heart beating. Get your priorities straight man. Aim for something in life and push for it. Stuff the social expectations in life.. going good in school, getting a good job, having a family whatever man. Don't think about others, and at the same time, don't really think "I don't care what people think of me", because deep down, you will. Just go about doing your own thing and whatever makes you smile at the end of the day.

I'm 18 years old man and Ive seen everything and been through alot. Things i haven't experienced yet, looking after kids, buying a house for my family etc, but ive experienced ALOT. If you want to know what, add my msn we can talk, but il tell you here on the forums the best thing to do is just focus on something in life you love doing and just do it. It clears your mind, it loosens you out, you feel better and more calm, you talk to people so much better and things just start "flowing".

Its not that brief and simple though, that's all id get into over a public forum.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :No, everywhere. What is the point or purpose of life? Give me that info and I'll eat my hat.

Well as emo as this may sound, their is no logical explication to your question. Religiously speaking, God doesn't have a good reason why he made us and scientifically speaking, we are just one big and lucky mistake.
To be honest wheel4hummer, I once was like you, thinking that life has no purpose. What I did about it? Nothing....I just accepted the fact and moved on. I basically ignored it and set some goals in my life which I would like to accomplish thus giving my short existence some kind of a purpose.
Life is a long road! Sometimes we forget our goal and neither can we see it to make us remember it but we just keep on moving until we reach it.....or die trying.
That's the beauty of life! No one actually has a purpose but we do it just for the fun of it!

Don't worry about the things to come as that is as helpful as solving a mathematical problem by chewing bubblegum. Remember! Where there's a will, there's a way so if you try hard maybe you can change!
Quote from aoun :It clears your mind, it loosens you out, you feel better and more calm, you talk to people so much better and things just start "flowing".

When I am driving where there isn't any traffic, it pretty much clears my mind. Just driving around makes me feel better. Except I have to drive 50mi to actually get somewhere where there is no traffic and I can just drive. And listening to music makes me feel calm and focused (well, only house makes me feel calm and focused, other kinds of music have different effects on my attitude). For example, if I listen to 80s rock I end up feeling different then if I listen to Hip Hop/Rap. Back to driving, when I am driving around, it ends up making me feel worse when there's idiot drivers doing stupid stuff. That's why I try to go on roads that are desolate when I want to drive for fun. Those are pretty much the two things that make me feel better. And I am not constantly depressed. It's just that at certain points in my life I end up feeling like that. I feel better now, I was just pissed because I did badly in the first quarter of my school year.

Quote from BAMBO :That's the beauty of life! No one actually has a purpose but we do it just for the fun of it!

That's not emo at all. And I agree with that. There is no purpose in life, except to live. You have no obligations whatsoever, as long as you do not physically/mentally harm another individual, people should be able to do whatever they want.
Quote from lerts : there i had so much drugs i ended crazy

that explains sooooo mcuh
#59 - aoun
Good to hear at least. Depression is a part of life, if you don't learn to handle it now, your fooked later on in life.
dudes we do have a purpose you just have to find yours!

i believe that mine was to eat this ice cream and its yummy!
#61 - aoun
I Want Icecream!
#62 - Gunn
People get too caught up in their own life story, so much that it consumes them completely. You are not your job, you are not your relationships, you are not your successes, nor are you your failures.

We become a slave to our own expectations and spend every moment of our lives trying to satisfy our own version of who we think we are. It's a time-consuming, dramatic, draining, and miserable existence.

Stop worrying about who you are in your life and who you must become, these things are not the most important part of life but we convince ourselves that they are.

Don't waste another precious day getting caught up in the drama of your own life story or thinking about the day when things will be better. Just enjoy living and accept whatever the day puts in front of you - give it your full attention and enjoy what unfolds. Don't wait or wish for better days, choose to have one right now.
I can't fully agree with you Gunn on that, I think goals in life keepd you motivated. For an example one of my goals is to live 140 years! I know that's impossible but their is nothing stopping me from trying. Why would I set myself such a goal? Well I don't drink alcohol,I don't smoke, I work out daily....... for Pete's sake I don't even consume Coca-cola, Pepsi or any beverage like that nor am I planning to start doing those things. So, as stupid as that goal may seem to you, I for one think that it makes me live a better life.
#64 - Gunn
Quote from BAMBO :So, as stupid as that goal may seem to you, I for one think that it makes me live a better life.

How does the goal to live for 140 years make your 140 years of life 'better'?
Well it keeps me motivated to not smoke or drink alcohol because I think that will help me to live longer. If you are referring to the fact of how is it helping me to live life to the maximum, well I guess it doesn't but it makes me feel more at peace with myself it that counts.
#66 - JJ72
maybe it gives him some sort of target, some motivation.

when you feel worthless just think about people who needs you, there must be something or somebody who requires your attention, that you can help. when you are empty, the best thing to do is actually to give out.
Goals work for some people, other view "working" towards goals outside of work (read: essentials) a chore. Nothing new there, go with what works for you. Though, going to the very extremes either way probably won't be optimal, balance with common sense.
Find a hobby, find a sport, find any activities except this forum and LFS! Try to tend on something needful. Find real friends of all of them. Go out and have a time with your friends, talk about something what you all like and are interested, try to plan going to somewhere to have a good time etc.
Just keep on living, someday you will find something or someone worth living for. Reminds me of two guys, one had a good job in the fashion industry, friends and such, but was never really happy. Today he is a monk in a french youth covent (the one i talk 'bout now and then).
Another guy worked for years in IT/telecommunication, made some huge inventions, but someday he decided he won't live like that anymore, and went to South America. Today he writes books about the remains of the spanish colonization
Quote from Gunn :People get too caught up in their own life story, so much that it consumes them completely. You are not your job, you are not your relationships, you are not your successes, nor are you your failures.

We become a slave to our own expectations and spend every moment of our lives trying to satisfy our own version of who we think we are. It's a time-consuming, dramatic, draining, and miserable existence.

Stop worrying about who you are in your life and who you must become, these things are not the most important part of life but we convince ourselves that they are.

Don't waste another precious day getting caught up in the drama of your own life story or thinking about the day when things will be better. Just enjoy living and accept whatever the day puts in front of you - give it your full attention and enjoy what unfolds. Don't wait or wish for better days, choose to have one right now.

Lol, wow that's some straight advice right there.
#71 - CSU1
Casual sex makes me feel better when I'm down, all it takes is a trip to the pub to pick up an oul' scanger, or at worst a wonder down to Jack O' Flynn's field does the trick for me.joke FTR

Granted everyone is different and with some being more susceptible to long term depression than to others it takes the effort of the good among us to give words of warmth when we are down

Nice words there Gunn.
Quote from CSU1 :Casual sex makes me feel better when I'm down, all it takes is a trip to the pub to pick up an oul' scanger, or at worst a wonder down to Jack O' Flynn's field does the trick for me.joke FTR

Granted everyone is different and with some being more susceptible to long term depression than to others it takes the effort of the good among us to give words of warmth when we are down

Nice words there Gunn.

sex makes everyone feel better
Except if you're the one not getting any
(CSU1) DELETED by CSU1 : dirt
Quote from wheel4hummer :Since the beginning of this thread, I no longer feel as depressed. Just by getting all of this off my chest I feel slightly better. My situation still lingers, I just don't feel emo about it anymore.

I'm glad for you mate. Just talking helps a lot.....which was my reason for suggesting speaking to a Doctor or anyone for that matter. Although I believe you are actually fine and are just a bit peeved off because you've not had your leg over for a while Exercise certainly can make you feel better.

Feeling of emptyness
(167 posts, started )