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Who's line is it anyway
(17 posts, started )
Who's line is it anyway
Oh my that was a funny one!
This forum is turning into gay paradise.
Gotta love WLIIA! Prefer the UK version though. Got shit when Ryan Styles stopped doing it.
If you download 4 On Demand you can watch every single episode from all the series of the British version of Who's Line is it Anyway.
I watched some videos of this on youtube (there is a LOT) and I have to say the show seems to be damn funny.
Was going to make a thread but I found this...

This is seriously the funniest thing I've ever watched, I cant stop laughing of this.

Im watching all of the episodes that I've got.
I watched it for 2 minutes.

I wasn't amused.
#9 - 5haz
Quote from thisnameistaken :This forum is turning into gay paradise.

The ghost of JTbo lingers.
Use to watch this show for years, most of it was hilarious.

The one with the muscular lady was a bit wtf.
I was a bit miffed when that show was cancelled. And if I'm honest, the US Whose Line wiped the floor with the UK Whose Line (which is really rare for american show remakes).

I've been watching this stuff for years and it never gets old And there's still one guy on Youtube that's still loyal, he's got about 1500 videos of the whole series so there's plenty of it to watch..check it out here.

This show's why I love ad-libbed comedy more than sccripted stuff.
My face hurts now, that was too funny.
Quote from Senninha25 :I was a bit miffed when that show was cancelled. And if I'm honest, the US Whose Line wiped the floor with the UK Whose Line (which is really rare for american show remakes).

I've been watching this stuff for years and it never gets old And there's still one guy on Youtube that's still loyal, he's got about 1500 videos of the whole series so there's plenty of it to watch..check it out here.

This show's why I love ad-libbed comedy more than sccripted stuff.

Thanks, didn't know about this guy eventhough I always watched his videos. Sometimes I don't even glance at the usernames.

Who's line is it anyway
(17 posts, started )