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(149 posts, started )
I've started reading this again today... very good for a laugh, and sometimes *really* scary.

*I do realise it's choice quotes plucked from the more mentalist end of the spectrum, and as such doesn't represent the average views of the global christian community as a whole.
Quote from RocksGt :the official position of the Vatican and the catholic community is clearly against homosexuality, advising them to practice chastity to avoid the eternal fire

Hmmm, well in the Old Testament in 1 Tim 4: 1-3 it quite clearly (as clear as religious books ever are) that compulsory celebacy is a heresy. Throughout celebacy is "abnormal".

I "lol" at the Vatican!
Quote :debate over homosexuality including Genesis 19:4-29

Quote :Sodom and Gomorrah?

Curse you for making me read several chapters of Genesis today, have you any idea how badly written that story is?

Accepting even the King James "In The Beginning" which in itself is incorrect, the tale of Sodom and Gomorrah's referrence to homosexuality is the defilement of a straight man by a homosexual act (committed by straight men) in order to humiliate him by treating him as a woman - in a book where women are 'property' of men. Neither is the rape itself part of the moral, but a metaphor of the inhospitality served. This pertains to the commandment to love thy neighbour and has nothing at all to do with sex. It's not the sexual orientation being condemned here, and it's quite explicit, not really an interpretation issue. Any interpretation to condemn the sexual orientation from this passage is clearly deliberate and an attempt to use the bible to provenance ones own fealing on the issue.

I have had enough head spinning reading religious texts for one day, and I dont think many forum readers are interested in the issue anyway, so i'll leave it at that for now, but if I must answer the other chapters raised, I will. Years of bible study are bubbling just underneath the surface waiting to get their own back...

EDIT: Edited to give a more fuller analysis.
I'm an agnostic but even if there is anything like a/several conscious god(s) there's no way I'm gonna bow in front of him/them.
Quote from J@tko :Um, don't you mean Buddhists Rob?

Read the end of the post above mine you quoted

If God loves us all unconditionally, why does bad stuff happen to good people? I'm not going to put down your faith, believe whatever you think is right, but that's the part where the whole God thing kinda falls apart...If He has supreme power over everyone, and loves everyone equally, why isn't the world full of flowers and puppies and ice cream and rainbows and what-not?

And for what it's worth, religion doesn't bring joy to everyone...Did you know contraception is still outlawed in Ireland by the Catholic Church? (Maybe that's why I turned Agnostic )
Quote from Becky Rose :I dont really care about what organised religion says on anything because their views carry the weight of the prejudices and convictions of Bishops, not the word of the God they supposedly represent.

Ok, I can understand it. I was just pointing that they are people who studied the Book a lot (maybe the most in History) and both (Islamist and catholics) reach the same interpretation about homosexuality

Quote from Becky Rose :Then again the Bible itself is the views and opinions of a few disciples and not in itself the word of God. The only word of God in the bible is some stone tablets, the rest of the book is the interpretation of those tablets by uneducated close minded neanderthols from 20 centuries ago, but only the views that conform to the opinions of various powerful clergy along the way - for the rest you have to read the apocrapher, do that and you soon start wondering just how much of the gospel, is actually gospel.

If the Bible itself is the views and opinions of a few disciples and not in itself the word of God then the 10 commandments could be the same as tehre is no real fact proving they came directly from God

Anyway, check out the 6th commandment.
"Neither shall you commit adultery"
Adultery is the breaking of the holy bond between husband and wife, and is thus a sacrilege. This commandment includes not just the act of adultery, but lust as well. (See Catechism 2331–2400.).

So as long as don't exist a husband and a wife in homosexual relations it is against this commandment. If you can think it in other way, the only valid reason for sexual practices given by the Bible is reproduction (remember Onan, killed by God himself for spilling his seed upon the ground :schwitz, so in that way, homosexuality (or at least his sexual side) it's against the likes of God and this connects with Vatican not blaming people for being homsexuals but recommended them to practise chastity
Quote from Becky Rose :Curse you for making me read several chapters of Genesis today, have you any idea how badly written that story is?

Yup, I know

Quote from Becky Rose :Any interpretation to condemn the sexual orientation from this passage is clearly deliberate and an attempt to use the bible to provenance ones own fealing on the issue.

And isn't that the final purpose of every Bible read? (and you can generalize to every religion if you please)

You have some thoughts about how the world may work and what things are correct and what not. Then you take your religion or your holy book and look for things that reinforce those thoughts. And given that is all a matter of interpretation, you can sustain almost any theory with the words in that book . And that is exactly what sects leaders do

Quote from Becky Rose :I am willing to be proven wrong, i'd like to be, it would help me understand all those people who pray for cures.

It's just a way of having the head focused in something different than the disesase itself. And many people find in it a way of relaxing and holding an optimistic behaviour and this helps them in various ways.

In fact there are some studies about this subject that (in most cases) could be hilarious. Check out those ones ... 7/25/a_prayer_for_health/ ... 0002870305006496/abstract

I remember a documental I saw at TV about one of this studies were there was prayer groups of various religions and some christian patients were worry about islamist praying for them as they think that would cause the opposite effect
Quote :Adultery is the breaking of the holy bond between husband and wife, and is thus a sacrilege. This commandment includes not just the act of adultery, but lust as well. (See Catechism 2331–2400.).

Actually in the bible a adultary can only be committed against a man, it is not a crime to commit adultary against a woman - women are property of men in the bible and are not afforded the same rights - conveniently this means I cannot commit adultary with a lesbian as she has no man.

I might come back and edit this post later to make it clearer i'm not long up and have migrane sign coming grrr. If it doesnt make sense bare with me
Quote :So as long as don't exist a husband and a wife in homosexual relations it is against this commandment. If you can think it in other way, the only valid reason for sexual practices given by the Bible is reproduction (remember Onan, killed by God himself for spilling his seed upon the ground :schwitz, so in that way, homosexuality (or at least his sexual side) it's against the likes of God and this connects with Vatican not blaming people for being homsexuals but recommended them to practise chastity

OK i'm awake now. I'm going to do use the Vaticans interpretation of this passage. This is made easy because the Vatican page you listed actually details the Catholic tradition of the interpretation of the 6th Commandment and I quote, "The tradition of the Church has understood the sixth commandment as encompassing the whole of human sexuality."

With this in mind, considering 'normal' heterosexuals here, then the traditional interpretation of Jesus' sermon on the mount (translated it's more or less, "But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart") for women so that it reads "But I say to you that every one who looks at a man lustfully has already committed adultery with him in her heart".

This is the traditional Catholic interpretation of the passage. However the Vatican is quite specific here, it says "The tradition of the Church has understood the sixth commandment as encompassing the whole of human sexuality.". Therefor to be consistent to Catholic tradition we must apply this swapping of gender norms to Jesus' words for gay people too.

Personally I interpret the whole thing totally differently, but since we're talking about Catholicism here i'll leave my personal view out of it. The Catholic view is very clearly a double standard, where one thing is said as justification to prove something else. Sadly all they've shown to me is that they are just as bigotted as ever they where.
what i find scarry is that somepeople teach abrahams trying to murder his son isaac in the name of god is etically correct
Quote from Becky Rose :Personally I interpret the whole thing totally differently, but since we're talking about Catholicism here i'll leave my personal view out of it. The Catholic view is very clearly a double standard, where one thing is said as justification to prove something else. Sadly all they've shown to me is that they are just as bigotted as ever they where.

So we think the same

Catholicism is full of double moral... just look at what they treat the priests who love children a bit more than they may

About Jesus words... well I think he and the apostols were a kind of hippie band, so maybe they have free sex one with each others, so I think he really didn't have nothing against homosexuals, or at least I don't see it in his words

Anyway... you seem to refer to New Testament and Old Testament indifferently, when they are two Books with a lot of differences about many things, and this is clearly one of them
i despice old testament,but i like the new one though

abraham willing to murder his son just cause he ate too much at night and had a night mare being etically right, nuking sodoma and gomorra for being gay, causing the deluge to genocide the giants, these aint aceptable and yavhe should be trialed for crimes against humanity

love your enemies, admirable, i even recall a gnostic source of jesus saying yavhe really is the devil( the demiurge), obvious if you judge by their fruits
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :Who believes in god? And why?
I don't myself.. I'm interested about this..

I believe to him,her or whatever.I believe because my family said : '' if you wanna be a good person and make the things right you have to belive into the god.'' in my opinion matter is not believe to him .The matter is being a good person . I love whole world.

...and Tomba(FIN) your signature makes me wonder. Is GTR2 better than LFS ?
Quote from TURKISHPOWER :I believe to him,her or whatever.I believe because my family said : '' if you wanna be a good person and make the things right you have to belive into the god.'' in my opinion matter is not believe to him .The matter is being a good person . I love whole world.

...and Tomba(FIN) your signature makes me wonder. Is GTR2 better than LFS ?

When you are bored to lfs, but otherwise no
Quote from RocksGt :Anyway, check out the 6th commandment.
"Neither shall you commit adultery"
Adultery is the breaking of the holy bond between husband and wife, and is thus a sacrilege. This commandment includes not just the act of adultery, but lust as well. (See Catechism 2331–2400.).

fortunately direct words from god (trinity and all that) show that this interpretation cannot be correct
Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it [german luther translation translates that bit as "of equal importance]": 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."
and i kinda sorta fail to see the bit about homosexuality in there... mind you it very specifically says ALL the law

so by literal interpretation if becky enjoys having a girl between her legs jesus commanded her to repay the favour and lick that girls cooch... same goes for kev enjoying being bummed by the noobs
Nice to have the heat off me, I felt like an atheist in a forum full of religious folk!
But I suppose I "volunteered" to be the whipping boy of this thread. Someone had to.
someone pointed that evil happens cause god is not all mighty

homer realized of this when he got stoned and questioned:

can jesus make a burrito so spicy that not even him can eat it?

if he can make it he is not all mighty cause he cant eat it, and if he cant make it then he is not all mighty

hell but god by definition must be allmighty and homer proved he aint not, so there cant be god, hell now i understand why homer said now you know how i feel

maybe god is not protecting us nor helping us maybe its all up to us

so the universe must have existed always, has not been created
Quote from lerts :homer realized of this when he got stoned and questioned:

can jesus make a burrito so spicy that not even him can eat it?

LOL, much better than the rock he can't lift version.
Of course there is a God - the voices in my wifes head told me so
Quote from lerts : hell but god by definition must be allmighty and homer proved he aint not, so there cant be god, hell now i understand why homer said now you know how i feel

lol triple negative in that sentence
Quote from mookie427 :lol triple negative in that sentence

Mookie, this is lerts we're talking about!
:munching_(pills and cough syrup)
think he's on more dangerous stuff than cough syrup meself

(149 posts, started )