The online racing simulator

Poll : Do you think it should be a top prioty; improving graphoics of LFS?

Yes, but I'd prefere more track/car updates first
Not Bothered: I suppose any improvements are good
My only question of this whole thread is......

Quote from Forbin :....and it makes me want vomit and throw my feces at small children.

......what in the world are you eating that allows you to vomit up feces so that you can throw it at small children?
Quote from mrodgers :......what in the world are you eating that allows you to vomit up feces so that you can throw it at small children?

Maybe he's eating his own feces (it's spelt faeces BTW, or is feces another american bastardisation)?
Quote from Forbin :Those two games have whiz-bang flashy effects that aren't necessarily realistic but appeal to the majority of gamers nonetheless. I look at those screenshots and it makes me want vomit and throw my feces at small children.

That was great
Quote from G!NhO ::yikes: th.....thaa.............athaaaa..............athatahaa.................thats even worse than my sh!tty laptop, 64 MB!!!! DAMN!!!!!!

Intel Centrino Duo T5500 2,66 Ghz
1024MB RAM
(Integrated i think) Sh!tty Intel GMA 945 224MB shared

and ~15 FPS in a 20+ car grid, and 20-60 FPS while racing (all settings on extra low, 1024x768)
and sometimes my pc crashes due to overheating

Mine HP laptop have T5*** 2.2ghz
2Gb ram
NVidia 8700GT


Stable 40-50fps with 8xAA and 16xAF at 1280x800
Quote from Shadowww :Mine HP laptop have T5*** 2.2ghz
2Gb ram
NVidia 8700GT


Stable 40-50fps with 8xAA and 16xAF at 1280x800

haha, thats a great laptop

but next week i am getting my new pc
I'd love it if lfs got some real reflections. Like in GRID. It reflects road and other cars etc. Instead of the still sky cubemap.
Quote from dougie-lampkin :Maybe he's eating his own feces (it's spelt faeces BTW, or is feces another american bastardisation)?

Wait how do u spell it? I spell it bastardization. With an 's' my spellchecker marks it. Plus we've been apart for 232 years now; its safe to say we shouldn't have to spell everything like you guys do and use the exact same vocabulary.

Declaration of independence says "He [The King] has forced we colonists to add unnecessary silent 'U's to words such as "coloured" and "favourite" and keeps talking about lorries and bonnets as if we understand"

a little o/t but this is a cool article ... itish_English_differences
Quote from Forbin :I look at those screenshots and it makes me want vomit and throw my feces at small children.

:chefsmili that made me laugh!!!!
Too tired to read through all the test, but Hi-Res pack can be used. I run the game with all stock textures and with lots of AA and AF you can make it look decent. Here's what my game looks like with stock textures, 1680x1050@59HZ full LOD, all three, negative on the dynamic LOD reduction, and using Nhancer to force 8XMSAA and 16XAA, that's all.

Obviously this was before I discovered the Shift+F :sadbanana

Anyways, as it is, it's really not bad considering, however with every mod made for LFS all installled(I saw 3 seperate pics of, they all looked a tad different, diff modds I guess, it still wouldn't come close to a racing game built from the ground up with DirectX 10 tecnology, or even a DX9 engine with DX10 effects(Stalker - Clear Sky, Bioshock). I'm not sure but I believe LFS is based on DX8, if so it's quite impressive actually. If anyone has played Nexuiz, it's a fine example of how far you can push an engine, and it's a free FPS built off the quake engine, which must win the award for the most heavily modded engine ever. Quake 1 is old school, Nexuis has built it up to have/ Full Dynamic Lighting, ((In a Q1 based game!!!!))
If you want LFS to look better, there are guides to improve the graphics, but you'll never get the graphics posted in your pics, especially the one from GRID, to look like LFS.

This is actually a valid and welcome topic for me. Making a game look better isn't hard, it just takes time, or money, or license another's graphics engine. Scawen said it best, I can't remember his exactly qoute, it was in a video but basically he made the point realism should succeed visuals, after all, the community at large are simmers not your typical arcade racers. (OH, for the first time since NFSU2(Fantastic phyiscs for an arcade) I've found an arcade racer I like, GRID, enough that I'm going to buy it) "Good enough" physics, great graphics, and just lots of fun to play. The cockpit view is great, the damage is really good looking too, worth downloading the demo if you have a decent video card .
#35 - Jakg
Back when my LFS folder rocked (patches keep overwriting my DDS folder so it doesn't look so pretty anymore...

Wholly unedited, just max AA / AF and some Hi-Res textures...

Some more
Is this the first race of the STCC?
Not that LFS ain't looking good as it is, but i still hate to see people with such crappy pc's. Seems almost impossible to have nowadays. Why does someone possible have a P4 at 2.6Ghz while using an onboard videocard while u can grab some decent GFX-card for a bargain and framerates go up like 10x if not more. Are you just nuts? or anti-"anything-decent"

It can't be true people like you are actually slowing down graphical progression, but it still shocks me to see how much people have not even a half decent PC. Money is really not the problem, maybe lack of knowledge is. I tend to even buy some decent stuff to keep framerates at least around 60FPS, like i did in times of Quake2 when Voodoo2 cards where top-of-the-line, got 6 of em to be able play on three PC's with SLI setups so we could play 3-3 matches with our neighbours, wonderful time that was. To have your favourite game run smooth as silk is like the best thing there is. How can you possible enjoy LFS at 20FPS while less then 50 Euro's change that to a bearable 60FPS. I played LFS for some years on a ATi Radeon 9700, at 1600x1200 4x AA 4x AF at over 60FPS. Those things cost like 10 euro's nowadays.
It seems so totally nuts to me. And to even use that crappy PC as an argument to not update any graphics makes me quite mad actually. Where would we be if we allowed everything to be playable on 486's. We would have some 2D LFS at the moment.
To show how basic LFS's graphics is, i now play this game at around 350FPS at 1650x1080 16xAA 16xAF, thats just insanely over the top framerates which could be used for some decent reflections and lightning. Where's the sun in LFS? where is selfshadowing, or the basic things of al...l MULTILAYERED TEXTURES!?! DX8 is not the problem, it can hanlde much more sophisticated things then we see in LFS. Check Quake3, thats an OpenGL game, but it's GFX abilities show whats possible in DX8. If we could just add multilayered textures we could make much better surfaces, the plain 2D textures are like prehistoric nowadays. Besides most of the more advanced pixel-shader effects can actually make the game run more smooth. In it's current state it actually renders quite ineffective. Polycount is not really a problem, i like the way the models look, apart from some cars that could be updated (which is what happens as we speak). But to be able to add normal maps to generate more depth and grooves on bodywork (like Doom3, still openGL but which shows what's possible with DX8). Make things look round and reflect light well and seems to have little depth details while actually they are low-poly meshes combined with a depthmap of a higher resolution model. This allows for lower stress on GPU/CPU but the effects are really nice looking. The whole thing is not about having LFS look like GRID (which actually looks quite nice in my opinion) but to at least add some decent bumpmapping, lights and reflection. Nothing is strange about asphalt reflecting sunlight, having a real sun which automatically makes day/night changes possible. Having a real rearview mirror which calculates the image from the users point of view. (Now it's like we have a camera on the back of our cars and the mirrors are displaying their feed as if the mirrors are displays) Ever played Race07, thats what mirrors should look like.

I'm not a big fan of blooming and motionblur, but the main problem with those effects is that they are not used well in most of the "fancy games". They could add very nice atmospheric effects which are not unreal at all, even through the eyes we experience bloom and corona effects due to light reflection and distortion of our own eyes. Having overbright is not a bad thing either and HDR is a nice way to compensate for the lack of contrast on displays compared to real-life situations. But it's all used over the top, for years effects are used that way in like every situation. Otherwise it could go by unnoticed, and since effects seem to sell they overexaggerate it all the time to show-off what videocards are able to do. We barely see effects used in a more subtle way where they are almost unseen but do add depth and atmosphere to the whole image. Every CG film or 3D renders use these kind of stuff to make things look very real. Without them everything remains flat. But i would say lightning is the first thing that has to change radically and can easily make LFS look so much more realistic.

What i dislike the most at this moment, is that there are just 2 stages of shadow, no-shadow and just shadow. Add shadow from a building and add shadows from the car and you end up with having now shadow at all which makes the car look like it's floating. Two shadows should add up to a darker shadow. Maybe there's a simple solution to make it look a bit better. Add an extra blob type shadow underneath every car, and leave the rest as it is. These are actually a simple form of the calculated realtime shadow and remains a static gradient alpha map so it's not a heavy load at all. I think this should look very good on Southcity locations and maybe it's really simple to implement. Although I forsee problems already which LFS has with the alpha-maps not being able to show another alpha layer through itself. So skidmarks will dissapear at the boundaries of the car. (ugh...)

I do not request everything i talk about, they are just some pointers to what's possile whithout making a game like LFS unplayable on lower-end pc's. They could also be optional GFX settings so no harm done at all. Afterall LFS needs to get a little better then it is now GFX wise or the whole thing could fall apart.
Like this, everyone I show my simulator with LFS on it and they all need to say how awful and outdated it looks. I think it looks rather good though with all high-res textures and it seems more natural looking. But it kind of scares me how other people can judge a game so easily by it's graphics as if it's total crap in the first place not even being impressed by physics and other stuff thats more important. Well, i think they just aren't ready for simulation and are more of the NFS-type crowd but it still hurts my feelings in some ways since it seems i'm the only one around liking LFS. I really love LFS in the depth of my heart and spend ages on making it look a tad better. It deserves to be seen in a more positive kind of way i think and GFX is what will make this possible. As we all know, GFX sells.
id stick with 800x600 and 7 fps, maybe its because i dont get much more, but its more or less playable with bit under 10 fps.
Quote from BruTaLysT :............

what kind of pc you got then?

btw i get my new pc next week but i still keep my half decent laptop
Quote from Stefani24 :id stick with 800x600 and 7 fps, maybe its because i dont get much more, but its more or less playable with bit under 10 fps.

I wasn't really fowllowing the topic but, do you actually race at ~10 FPS? I can't even race at 30fps.
Quote from DHRammstein :I wasn't really fowllowing the topic but, do you actually race at ~10 FPS? I can't even race at 30fps.

I never really noticed a real difference between games at 300 and 30FPS. Saying 30FPS is unplayable is a bit weird considering movies run at 25FPS, and we have no problem with that. Our eyes aren't precise enough to struggle beyond 30FPS...
yes they are... theres a very pronounced difference between 30 and 60 fps without motion blur
Quote from gingiba :Saying 30FPS is unplayable is a bit weird considering movies run at 25FPS, and we have no problem with that.

Actually films are recorded at 24fps, which is the minimum required to make a set of images move non-jerkily. Ever wondered why even fast action sequences often don't really seem that fast? If you watch a film at double speed, it looks so much smoother, even during slow-ish pans.
well those are nice graphics, but not everyone has a 1000$ machine, that can run them. LFS is kind of made for some lower spec computers.
Quote from daloonie :I'd love it if lfs got some real reflections. Like in GRID. It reflects road and other cars etc. Instead of the still sky cubemap.

exactly...! this would really be a big step forward for S2.
when is patch Z coming out? ive seen talk of it elswhere on LFSForum.
+is there going to be an S3?-talk of that too...??

Quote from Krammeh :Actually, first one is a screen shot of a pre-release version of Race Driver Grid, I believe.

It is, its also an awful awful game.
I only noticed what decent FPS can do when I got my PC a couple of months ago. It's not even that great, using a 7 year old GPU and CPU. But I average at over 100 FPS, and it looks so much more realistic and less headache-y than when I used the family PC at ~30 FPS. There is a huge difference between 30 and 60 FPS, easily noticeable. After going over ~100 (probably less, I haven't done any research on it) FPS though, anything extra is really unnoticeable
i just had a steady 13 FPS