The online racing simulator
when will the offical results open?
Where do we lodge formal complaints against other drivers?

I have a specific person in mind who totally disregarded the rules more than once.
Also the Admins couldn't see my question about my placing under one caution because of all the FU^%ING chat
This will be a really great series if the Admins actually Admin!!!!
An [SR] car was actually let back in the race after he discoed this is clearly against the rules.

This was not a team night on your own server where you can do as you wish. This was a league race where the standards should be high and the rules followed!!
No favorites and no friendships.

As a person who deals with children on an ongoing basis I will tell you.....don't make empty threats!! If you tell them the next person who does something is going to be kicked....KICK THEM!!!!!
They won't do it again.
In between all the bullshit was a great race Hopefully the next one will rock in every way!!

See ya all next time.
I'm also concerned about the "PM" insim. It seems to cause a lot of lag And I dont think it's neccesary.

Quote from DeadWolfBones :

Not that administrating is easy with a field like we had today.

Unfortunately half of the admins decided to leave so the team you saw today were a last minute replacement who are admiring a race for the first time.

Every 5 minutes I had to explain the rules and they did their best so while it's not the best admining they did do the best they could.

Quote from DeadWolfBones : 1. Chatting. As has been mentioned, this is inexcusable. It was explicitly stated pre-race that chatting would result in a DT, but not a single one was given. There should be no chat, not even during SC periods, and not even from admins unless absolutely necessary.

I'll be more strict on this next race. As for now, the post race penalties included excessive chat in which a few will be punished.

Quote from DeadWolfBones : 2. SC driver not maintaining SC pace. This leads to all kinds of trouble back in the field, as we saw.

This was my fault and i personally apologize for this. I had to keep spectating back in the field WHILE driving the pace car to sort out a few position disputes and I also had to help the admins on a few issues so my attention was not specifically on the pace car.

Quote from DeadWolfBones :3. Questionable SC periods. I have no idea what that last one was for, really.

This I disagree. That last caution was for an large pile up involving Safenice, Ken, schawo, nightfly and Martelle. All the time the pace car was out was because of a crash (except when the server went down)

Quote from DeadWolfBones : 4. Quality of the field. There were several drivers who had no business being out there.

There were some questionable driving, and the admin used the black flag to get them off the track

Quote from DeadWolfBones : 5. Quality of the server. No explanation needed.

This i admit and i apologize

Quote from Toddshooter :Where do we lodge formal complaints against other drivers?

I have a specific person in mind who totally disregarded the rules more than once.
Also the Admins couldn't see my question about my placing under one caution because of all the FU^%ING chat
This will be a really great series if the Admins actually Admin!!!!
An [SR] car was actually let back in the race after he discoed this is clearly against the rules.

This was not a team night on your own server where you can do as you wish. This was a league race where the standards should be high and the rules followed!!
No favorites and no friendships.

I believe this was mutt you are referring to and no he did not get back on the track. No SR members finished the race

Quote from Toddshooter :Where do we lodge formal complaints against other drivers?

I have a specific person in mind who totally disregarded the rules more than once.
Also the Admins couldn't see my question about my placing under one caution because of all the FU^%ING chat
This will be a really great series if the Admins actually Admin!!!!
An [SR] car was actually let back in the race after he discoed this is clearly against the rules.

This was not a team night on your own server where you can do as you wish. This was a league race where the standards should be high and the rules followed!!
No favorites and no friendships.

I believe that was mutt you are referring to and no he did not go back on the track because he wasnt allowed to. No SR member finished the race

Quote from Toddshooter :As a person who deals with children on an ongoing basis I will tell you.....don't make empty threats!! If you tell them the next person who does something is going to be kicked....KICK THEM!!!!!
They won't do it again.
In between all the bullshit was a great race Hopefully the next one will rock in every way!!

See ya all next time.

I can guarantee you next time we'll be kicking and banning

Quote from AjRose :I'm also concerned about the "PM" insim. It seems to cause a lot of lag And I dont think it's neccesary.


That wont be around for the next race
Quote from lizardfolk :
There were some questionable driving, and the admin used the black flag to get them off the track

That I'm thankfull for but I still think that the intervention was made way too late. Some drivers should have been suspended from the race just from what they were like in qual. Yes one person was, but another wasn't and should have. Then in the race that same person did almost the whole race going around the track almost knocking out so many people. Then finally the black flag.

I'm glad you guys asked some people to spectate. I think some standards should have to be met before people can race in the future. For example being at least 4 seconds within the world record in BL1R or something like this to prevent people from simply getting to the server and driving the combo for the first time.

Hope it all get's better. You can expect me to be there next race hoping that all will go well this time.
Quote from lizardfolk :I believe that was mutt you are referring to and no he did not go back on the track because he wasnt allowed to. No SR member finished the race

OK Sorry I must have missed that. My Bad
But I wasn't wanting to report him I want to report another. I don't think Mutt broke any rules other than that one...which he didn't.
I would prefer not to name names here. But I will if you want me too.
Just let me know how to formally complain and I will.
Thanks Toddshooter
PM me if you dont want to name names.
I'd like to apologize.

I know for a fact I was a large portion (probably at least 1/4 or more) of the on-track chat. After trying to defend my actions it's not worth it, the point is during practice the wave of chat was uncomprehensible and I didn't like it.
So being a hypocrite I pretty much chatted my way through the race.
Thought I would make it a nice formal apology instead of a half-arsed one.

I have instructed my sub-conscious..
okay, really - I just don't plan on speaking out at all in the next few races.

EDIT: just noticed my DQ...LOL, little extreme I believe.
Quote from TomShanK :I'd like to apologize.

I know for a fact I was a large portion (probably at least 1/4 or more) of the on-track chat. After trying to defend my actions it's not worth it, the point is during practice the wave of chat was uncomprehensible and I didn't like it.
So being a hypocrite I pretty much chatted my way through the race.
Thought I would make it a nice formal apology instead of a half-arsed one.

I have instructed my sub-conscious..
okay, really - I just don't plan on speaking out at all in the next few races.

Apology accepted, but I'm sorry I'll still have to penalize you. The next race the penalty would be an auto kick so please me mindful of chatting
next race is at blackwood rev :\ gosh.
It is my first ever oval race, also my first rolling start, great fun
Could be more fun if i can make it to the restarted race though.
Looking forward to the next round.
Quote from TomShanK :just noticed my DQ...LOL, little extreme I believe.

little extreme? pffff

The chat during qualifying or racing is just disrespectful. Im sure you would expect others to be quiet for you when you're trying to put in a qualifying time or are racing in a pack on track, so you should show others that same courtesy. Not talking about random things that have no place for discussion during a race... like videos cards???? come on guys... Let's get it together and hope next race goes a lot smoother!

Quali went much better after we decided to send out more that one person at a time. (BTW - sorry at Jambo for continually taking over your job ). There is quite alot of chat that we admins need to do in the quali, so I think its best if you're on a hot lap, to block messages, then unblock again after you've finished.

The first race start was aborted, cos someone crashed IIRC. The second one was pretty good - I remember saying 'wow - this is good!'. However, there was a little incident at the back.

An issue that I think continually comes up in oval racing (KY250, this, KY500 practices) is that people think they know what they're doing, particularly under SC/caution, when in reality they don't at all. This is what causes some of the crashes that could be avoided.

Hard luck on the server crash - I really think you should get an American server as about 90% of competitors are American - then you'll get less lag.

BTW, thanks for the fun I had on vent
There was lizard who was desperately trying to keep all us 6 admins under control, and 36 racers (and Ken ) under control too, and, for his first event, did a pretty good job IMO. Then there was poor Jambo, who had no idea what he was doing, but once we'd taught him he did a pretty good job too Then there's Brandon, who swears alot and can't wait for the next 'wreck' , Cobra (who sounds about 7 years old ) who did 'sh*t' in quali and 'got wrecked' in the race. Then there's poor Michael who I think came into the server and vent a tad surprised at the mess that was happening.

Whenever there was a crash there was lizard going (american accent) wow - big wreck!, Brandon going (still American) oh sh*t there's another fu**ing wreck and Michael going (in quite a posh british accent) Oh no - a wreck!

Sorry for the OT btw
Quote from teedot :little extreme? pffff

The chat during qualifying or racing is just disrespectful. Im sure you would expect others to be quiet for you when you're trying to put in a qualifying time or are racing in a pack on track, so you should show others that same courtesy. Not talking about random things that have no place for discussion during a race... like videos cards???? come on guys... Let's get it together and hope next race goes a lot smoother!

[HR]TeeDot05 blocked messages.

Quote from J@tko :Cobra (who sounds about 7 years old ) who did 'sh*t' in quali and 'got wrecked' in the race.

Hey now, LOL. Thats my mics fault. Im not 7!
Quote from J@tko :
Biglongpost blah blah blah.... and Michael going (in quite a posh british accent) Oh no - a wreck!

Tea and crumpets, anyone?
Quote from evilpimp :Indeed, grats to DWB and PMD. Great race. Grats to the Guess Motorsports crew aswell.

And very nice race to you Niki. Really sucks about that last lap :P

Big thanks to Rising Phoenix for setup support!

Quali went well, not pole but 2nd is cool result too

Grats CoRe guys, really pro done. I pretty much didn't enjoy the race. CoRe guys were kinda "rude" enough to bumpdraft away.
That's the difference between LFSCAR and NASCAR. You have no teammate in NASCAR!

I had ugly slides in last corner after restarts and losing positions, but finally from 5th looks like i'm coming back to 3rd. Hey I'll get it, it's only risky move on this race by me, he must move, he's damn pro oval driver, but he doesn't and it ends up bad for me...

What to say, 3 hours of stupid stressful sitting, sweating and almost for nothing. I had once nice moment with one of guess drivers when I beat him for 3rd spot somewhere in first part of the race

At least I got excellent on todays final exam \o/

See ya on Blackwood.

EDIT: Critic to admins
How dear you extend race length? What if someone ended up with no fuel? I don't care if there is yellow flag finish or whatever... It's almost your fault for that crash.
This thread is funny.

It is said in the rules that chatting is forbidden and there are like 30+ lines of chat during the race. And the worst rule-breaker even says his penalty is too extreme when he only gets a DQ.
Quote from N I K I :
EDIT: Critic to admins
How dear you extend race length? What if someone ended up with no fuel? I don't care if there is yellow flag finish or whatever... It's almost your fault for that crash.

Ok, this is a common technique in NASCAR and it is known as a green, white, checkered. The rule is that if there's a crash a few laps before the checkered, then there would be a caution period and the race would be extended.

This is know as "overtime" in NASCAR.

The point of this is to have a clean finish without any crashes and or to not end the race under caution.

I do realize that this is dangerous for people might run out of fuel. But that's just part of stock car racing. In NASCAR there have been many who've run out of fuel and lost the race because of a GWC. You can either put in a little more fuel to be safe or you can cut it close and pray for no wrecks at the end of the race
(NtrlBrnRacer) DELETED by lizardfolk
I never knew for that, and never heard of it, but ok now I know. My apologies.
Quote from TomShanK :[HR]TeeDot05 blocked messages.

Do you think you can grow up for just 5 minutes? god...
Quote from N I K I :I never knew for that, and never heard of it, but ok now I know. My apologies.

I should have been more clear on that in the rules.
Yeah, the real problem is that it's not mentioned anywhere at all in the rules.

If I'd run out of fuel on it I would be raising hell.
Quote from N I K I :Big thanks to Rising Phoenix for setup support!

Np. At least it was put to good use by someone. :P