The online racing simulator
changing potenciometer to increase effectiveness?
So i got this Genius Speed Wheel Force Feedback (the black with red rubber) 270 degrees rotation. Im wondering if i can change the potenciometer to increase the rotation of the wheel and maybe the precision??? ( i know this wheel uses a 270 degree 100k ohm pot) i could'nt find the pot Watts i was wondering if someone knows...? and before anyone says ''get G25" yeah thats my dream, but atm i dont have the money to invest (this month and next month's are directed to bills.. 100% of it =D) could this work? PS: increasing resistence would mean more or less precision? (eletronics? i know like, something)
Changing the pot won't help you if you're trying to increase rotation, it's very likely that there is a mechanical "stopper" limiting your wheel to 270deg.
Also, the force feeback controller will only be able to "see" 270deg rotation.
So, i'm sorry, but AFAIK you would need to just purchase another wheel to get more rotation. Don't forget about the classic DFP, you should be able to pick a second hand one up for relatively little cash.
Thanks for the info. the rotation limiter is removable (easily) i heard domewhere that increasing the pot's resitence value could change the wheel's precision (or maybe the update frequence) ?
Highly unlikely. If even you will remove the rotation limiter, you'll have to completly rewrite the drivers for the wheel, because it just won't read any more than 270 degrees.

New pot might improve accurancy, but only if its compatible, so yes, it can improve accurancy, but pot has nothing to do with rotation. As far as I know all wheels with high degrees of rotation use optical sensors, not pots
Just use sprockets.

small sprocket for the wheel
bigger sprocket at the FF.

Your FF will weaker, but your wheel will have more ° of turning.
as in
1/3 of FF will result in 270*3° (810°) of wheel.

Just an idea, I don't know if it will really work.
you mean mechanically increase rotation i see... that might work.. by the way my cousin told me that i could clean up INSIDE the pot to maybe increase its performance (back to factory spec offcourse) how do you open it? (By the way im using pieces of paper to reduce space between mechanical attached parts so there wont be no mechanical lag - dont know how to say it - thats just funny heh, but it increased the wheels performance alot!!) thanks in advance, i might check some sprockets..