People taking LFS too seriously.
While wandering around this forum i noticed some people see LFS as their life objective, and frequently tend to insult and destroy the image of some casual players who just want to have some fun.

The most common examples of this are some responses given to users who make questions not linked to racing (like drift or cruise related questions). when i read them i wonder if their parents actually taught them some manners and how to respect others.

another examples somewhat related to the last one are also responses to some suggestions. answers like the typical "go away noob" are totally reprehensible. again, people are just looking for some more fun. At least if you think that suggestion should not be implemented, be civilized, and just tell you don't agree with them and explain why.

now this one, i don´t disagree with it, but i still don't understand how can you do them, the 24 hour races. i mean, i can't even play 2 hours in front of my computer without suffering some headaches, and there are people who play 4, 5 and even 6 hours at a time.

I will die if i don't post this one. i don't remember where i found it or who wrote it, i think it's not even in lfsforum, but it's too good to leave out. It was something like this:

Quote :LFS is a simulator, not a videogame

comment it if you want, because i got absolutely no comments for it.

so, as a conclusion, lfs will not pay your salary, so take it just as a hobby. it is a game, so it was created to provide fun, and respect everyone's thoughts. we all have different tastes. and most important: do not make lfs as your life occupation. hang out with your friends, get a girlfriend/boyfriend , but don't commit the same mistake i did in my teenage years, and spend 10 hours per day on your computer. luckily i was able to recover in time, and now with 18 years old i have an (almost) normal life (the girlfriend missing :razz
I agree with the sentiment of your post. But I do feel that the argument that LFS is "just a game" is almost always used in defence of disrespectful behaviour on line and I think that is often what annoys people that take at least the "racing" aspect of the game seriously.

So in conclusion I would say.

a) Yes be respectful to others opinions and how they want to use the game, but that goes just as much for those that don't want to race seriously respecting those that do and not spoiling it for them as it does the other way around.

b) Yes don't let LFS become your life no matter how much you enjoy it.
Who are you to tell people how to spend their time?

The most recent 24HR race at Aston GP in MoE was one of the most exciting races I've ever done, and I did five 1-hour stints. We ended up winning the GT2 class.

You get out of it what you put in.

A lot of people play LFS and take it very seriously because they CAN'T race in real life, usually due to the exorbitant costs involved. It'll be another year at least before I can afford to start racing my motorcycle.

Oh yeah, and who the !@#$ wants to be normal anyway... No fun in that.
Quote from gezmoor :I agree with the sentiment of your post. But I do feel that the argument that LFS is "just a game" is almost always used in defence of disrespectful behaviour on line and I think that is often what annoys people that take at least the "racing" aspect of the game seriously.

So in conclusion I would say.

a) Yes be respectful to others opinions and how they want to use the game, but that goes just as much for those that don't want to race seriously respecting those that do and not spoiling it for them as it does the other way around.

b) Yes don't let LFS become your life no matter how much you enjoy it.

you're right. i never said the opposite
Nobody minds people drifting or cruising. We do mind when people make requests for pointless cruising addons in a racing simulator.

Whilst LFS is sufficiently powerful and realistic to cater for the immature idiots that enjoy cruising or, generally, drifting (though of course each group has exceptions), they are not it's primary aim, and as such are unlikely to be ever supported by LFS itself, requiring external addons to do so.

There are plenty of games that are designed solely 'for fun'. LFS is not one of them - it is made to be realistic. Fortunately the realistic act of driving a car on a racing track in a race is an exciting one. Dumbing it down to cater for those that don't actually care about racing or realism will eventually destroy LFS, and I'm pleased to see that Scawen rarely panders to the wants to the dim.
Quote from tristancliffe :Nobody minds people drifting or cruising. We do mind when people make requests for pointless cruising addons in a racing simulator.

Whilst LFS is sufficiently powerful and realistic to cater for the immature idiots that enjoy cruising or, generally, drifting (though of course each group has exceptions), they are not it's primary aim, and as such are unlikely to be ever supported by LFS itself, requiring external addons to do so.

There are plenty of games that are designed solely 'for fun'. LFS is not one of them - it is made to be realistic. Fortunately the realistic act of driving a car on a racing track in a race is an exciting one. Dumbing it down to cater for those that don't actually care about racing or realism will eventually destroy LFS, and I'm pleased to see that Scawen rarely panders to the wants to the dim.

For how blunt you are Tristan there have been many times I have wondered if you grew up in the USA

Not saying I don't agree with you though.
Quote from tristancliffe :Nobody minds people drifting or cruising. We do mind when people make requests for pointless cruising addons in a racing simulator.

Whilst LFS is sufficiently powerful and realistic to cater for the immature idiots that enjoy cruising or, generally, drifting (though of course each group has exceptions), they are not it's primary aim, and as such are unlikely to be ever supported by LFS itself, requiring external addons to do so.

There are plenty of games that are designed solely 'for fun'. LFS is not one of them - it is made to be realistic. Fortunately the realistic act of driving a car on a racing track in a race is an exciting one. Dumbing it down to cater for those that don't actually care about racing or realism will eventually destroy LFS, and I'm pleased to see that Scawen rarely panders to the wants to the dim.

yes, you're right, but the way some people talk to others, as i said above, might make a new player think twice about LFS because of it's community "behaviour"
And you think the Steam/WoW/etc. forums are better?
Hey johnny, i agree in a way. I think people make what they want about their lifes. Some ppl dont have money enough to race cars on real life and this is the closest they get to it. Wouldnt you like to have fun for 5h straight like some ppl did on MOE24H ? I think its the same.

On the other hand i notice people who drift or cruise are sometimes (to say the least) looked down on. I've never seen any drifter or cruiser insulting a racer, which makes me think that they play LFS just for fun, while some racers seem to have something to prove.
And sometimes the same disrespect goes for demoers. Sometimes they deserve (crackers), others they dont.

This was as honest as i can be. I might be wrong though.

Neways, thanks johnny, i can see you made a mistake in ur life, and ur trying to help people not make the same one. Thats indd very nice of you. Thanks.

BTW: foste-te meter na boca do lobo xD (e eu tb)
Quote from Forbin :

The most recent 24HR race at Aston GP in MoE was one of the most exciting races I've ever done...

Yes that was fantastic. It was the first time I took part in a 24h race... There's no better than that
Quote from Forbin :And you think the Steam/WoW/etc. forums are better?

what i mean is the new players will think "if they are already like this here, what will they do when racing?"

like we say here, the first sight you have on people really matters.
LFS is a racing simulator, its goal is to be as realistic as possible, and the community needs to take the racing aspect seriously or else that goal can't be achieved. What good is having the most real car simulation ever if every server is full drifters and cruisers? They already have games that cater to their needs, like NFS et all. Seriously racers don't have anywhere as many choices, so we need to protect this wonderful little sim as much as we can. In my opinion LFS is so great because the developers and the players take it seriously.
Quote from jonny__27 :what i mean is the new players will think "if they are already like this here, what will they do when racing?"

like we say here, the first sight you have on people really counts.

I see what you mean, our version is 'You never get a second chance to make a first impression'.

The thing is, that most of the types of replies you refer to are when people ask the same things that have been asked (possibly hundreds of times) before, and can easily be found by searching the forum. In any online forum, the regulars will jump on these types of thread as a post-count building exercise. Maybe more proactive moderation and closing of threads could help ?
Quote from Christopher Raemisch :For how blunt you are Tristan there have been many times I have wondered if you grew up in the USA

I can't have done. I can say words like Tomato properly.
Quote from tristancliffe :I can't have done. I can say words like Tomato properly.

I don't believe're a Norfolkian so you'll sound like my Dad
Quote from tristancliffe :I can't have done. I can say words like Tomato properly.

Forgot aluminum too, thats even spelled differently
Quote from jonny__27 :what i mean is the new players will think "if they are already like this here, what will they do when racing?"

like we say here, the first sight you have on people really matters.

I haven't really seen anyone with a mature question or comment get treated badly. Care to provide an example?

You're quite literally attacking the maturity of the LFS community (specifically the hardcore racing community) and yet all of the responses have been quite respectful.
Quote from Christopher Raemisch : Forgot aluminum too, thats even spelled differently

I nearly used aluminium as an example, but the original spelling was in fact aluminum. It was later changed to ...ium to stick with the other elements/metals that also end in ium.

So, technically speaking, aluminum is the original and correct way of spelling it, and aluminium is one of the few examples where England has bastardised (...ized?) an American word
#19 - SamH
Wait til you get a yank trying to join two wires.. they try to "sodder" them together
Quote from tristancliffe :I nearly used aluminium as an example, but the original spelling was in fact aluminum. It was later changed to ...ium to stick with the other elements/metals that also end in ium.

So, technically speaking, aluminum is the original and correct way of spelling it, and aluminium is one of the few examples where England has bastardised (...ized?) an American word

American, British, ehh whats the difference =) I haven't seen much why don't they just call us all Ameritish and get it over with

Quote from SamH :Wait til you get a yank trying to join two wires.. they try to "sodder" them together


FYI it IS spelled solder in the states, just for some reason when one specific American tries to say it... The guys at work used to giggle every time I would say I was 'soddering' they didn't enlighten me as to what it meant over here for a few months... those "********"

uhh, gotta love getting OT...
Quote from Christopher Raemisch :American, British, ehh whats the difference =) I haven't seen much why don't they just call us all Ameritish and get it over with

Infidel is the accepted term I believe.
Quote from Bean0 :Infidel is the accepted term I believe.

Depends, warmonger comes to mind too

I would like to say, anyone reading this, it's intended to be a bit of light humor and nothing more =)
Quote from Forbin :I haven't really seen anyone with a mature question or comment get treated badly. Care to provide an example?

You're quite literally attacking the maturity of the LFS community and yet all of the responses have been quite respectful.

i never said mature questions get some bad answers, but since when the immature ones must be strongly attacked?

for instance, i think this one never happened (thank God to that), but imagine there is someone who finds out about lfs, registers on the forum and opens a thread asking if it is that realistic. what would you do if you get answers like "why don't you search noob?"
Quote from jonny__27 :luckily i was able to recover in time, and now with 18 years old i have an (almost) normal life (the girlfriend missing :razz

So don't waste your time educating the wannabe-trolls in an internet forum and get yourself a girlfriend
Quote from RocksGt :So don't waste your time educating the wannabe-trolls in an internet forum and get yourself a girlfriend

yes, i should go right now . but i have a school work to do (and i'm surfing the web instead of working on it :shy