New PB Message to show previous PB
When LFSWorld states a new PB it would be good to have the old in brackets after the new time and maybe the difference.
Good idea.
#3 - tpa
liking it!
instead of the absolute time can it be how much the pb improved by?
(wouldnt that be the difference?)
lol. Foiled again hey Tux
Quote from justinziarko :Thats actually a good idea

Hey its about time too!! "Most of my ideas are total pig swill! My mother will be pleased as punch!"
Quote from tonyyeb :Hey its about time too!! "Most of my ideas are total pig swill! My mother will be pleased as punch!"

I had a good idea once.

But then I woke up...
Yeah, if it could just show the old time in brackets, that would be nice.
Quote from tristancliffe :lol. Foiled again hey Tux

quiet you! :dunce::smash3d:
Splendid idea, gets my vote.
Another vote from me. That would be really good actually
Also, I always wonder when i'm trying to improve what my sector times where. So when you bring up your old PB by /w pb it would be nice if it showed your sector times to.

A great idea, nice twist.
Quote from tonyyeb :When LFSWorld states a new PB it would be good to have the old in brackets after the new time and maybe the difference.

Yeah I don't understand why the previous best time isn't there already. Seems it would be very easy to implement.