The online racing simulator
Windows Vista Ultimate
(58 posts, started )
#51 - wien
Quote from TechAde :It's not hardcoded, you can change it...

Tried changing it and that's only the selection colour. What I'm after is the colour behind toolbars and on menus in "legacy" windows applications. (see attachment)
Attached images
Vista blue.png
Quote from wien :Tried changing it and that's only the selection colour. What I'm after is the colour behind toolbars and on menus in "legacy" windows applications. (see attachment)

Ahh yeah, see what you mean - it can be changed but you need to get into editing the aero theme, is a pretty good place to start.
I run 64 bit vista home premium very well and only have 13gb left on my 80gb hdd

Vista rulez
Quote from Luke.S :I run 64 bit vista home premium very well and only have 13gb left on my 80gb hdd

Vista rulez

With massive 500Gb HD's costing less than £60, not really an excuse for such a small drive
Quote from Bladerunner :With massive 500Gb HD's costing less than £60, not really an excuse for such a small drive

My dad built my PC i'm 13.
Quote from Luke.S :My dad built my PC i'm 13.

Get him to buy you a bigger HD for your birthday then..he will benefit too
Im using Windows Vista x64 SP1 Beta

here, a screenshot
Attached images

Windows Vista Ultimate
(58 posts, started )