The online racing simulator
is anyone willing to sell nr2003(please somone in the usa) and sorry if this..
is not need to be in lfsforum i have about 40 usd to spend
Good luck getting it for so cheap, most people pay over 100$ for it.
#3 - EmilO
nr2003? Whats that?
nascar racing 2003
.. lol

search ebay, I just searched and some results came up, a lot came up with that Nascar racing thunder 2003 whatever, I don't think that's what you're looking for, but I do see a few NR2003 games hidden in there, all of which cost > $55
#5 - EmilO
Lawl xD
Is this the same game?
#7 - Jakg
In the UK it sells for a LOT less than in the US for some odd reason.
Quote from Jakg :In the UK it sells for a LOT less than in the US for some odd reason.

Im pretty sure that in north america nascar is a lot more popular. I wish it wasnt so much cuz everytime I wanna watch a race on TV all I find is nascar and end up falling asleep after 5 laps...
(If u were kinda bein sarcastic well eh..)
#9 - Jakg
I know why it does, i just find it curious all you need is the CD-Key to play online, and that you can buy off UK eBay and then just ask for the seller to email you the Key...
=/ true. heh.. smart.. :P
lol well i will just save for ARCA sim racing it will probly be better.
your going to be disappointed then.
I own N2003... I bought it in a department store for 10 dollars in 2004.
you could try looking in clearance sections of whatever department store, you might find a copy there
If NR2003 costs so much in the states buy it from the UK and have it shipped over, it'll still work out less.

I just checked and laughed. Link, only in America would anyone pay $349.99 for a 5 year old game.
#15 - wien
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :only in America would anyone pay $349.99 for a 5 year old game.

Yes, over here we'd use pounds or euros instead... *ba-bom tish*
Quote from wien :Yes, over here we'd use pounds or euros instead... *ba-bom tish*

I paid £5 for Nascar 2003, which I suppose is about $300 =p
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I paid £5 for Nascar 2003, which I suppose is about $300 =p

Yeah, it's starting to get that way
But right now, comparing the UK Pound and US dollar, I'd say 2 dollars equals one pound.
Quote from h3adbang3r :Yeah, it's starting to get that way
But right now, comparing the UK Pound and US dollar, I'd say 2 dollars equals one pound.

Yeah, it has been hovering around that for quite a while now.