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Thoughts on Furries (such as me)
(129 posts, started )

Poll : Furries

I dont care doesn't matter to me
I like them (or am one of them)
I hate them (hate anything associated with furries)
I only hate the yiffers (the sexual ones)
Quote from DragonCommando :I think posting a link to something that shows just how sick and discusting furry art can get is against LFS's forum rules.
If not, I'm sure someone can find something as an example, I REALY don't want to though.

LOL... Not really what I'm asking about anyway. I think we all have imaginations and, as is commonly known, imagining an event always tends to extremes that leaves material reality somewhat banal in comparison... So I'm not interested in the images themselves, but in the extreme reaction to them.

I guess I'm asking something quite difficult; for you to articulate your disgust in a rational way. Now, I know that disgust is not a reaction thats based on rationality, but I'm hoping that hindsight offers a secure place for objective contemplation...

You see, I don't understand why you find such fictions disgusting. People have used the word 'sick', have berated the state of the world, and have generally used extreme language to make a clear boundary between themselves and what they perceive to be a threat.

I want to know why. I want to know what is so threatening in these images. I want to know what values you are protecting by dividing a specialised interest into even smaller parts.
Quote from nihil :LOL... Not really what I'm asking about anyway. I think we all have imaginations and, as is commonly known, imagining an event always tends to extremes that leaves material reality somewhat banal in comparison... So I'm not interested in the images themselves, but in the extreme reaction to them.

I guess I'm asking something quite difficult; for you to articulate your disgust in a rational way. Now, I know that disgust is not a reaction thats based on rationality, but I'm hoping that hindsight offers a secure place for objective contemplation...

You see, I don't understand why you find such fictions disgusting. People have used the word 'sick', have berated the state of the world, and have generally used extreme language to make a clear boundary between themselves and what they perceive to be a threat.

I want to know why. I want to know what is so threatening in these images. I want to know what values you are protecting by dividing a specialised interest into even smaller parts.

It's both fiction and images in one. Normal furries are sometimes quite ashamed about how others...act sometimes. It's one of the main reasons why furries have a bad name in the first place.

As for the usage. I agree, sick doesn't really describe it. Sick would describe something like Hostel or Saw (i.e. taking pleasure in gruesome torture). Many furry pictures are not like that (although Hostel like pictures in furry content do exist. Remember furries sometimes have their own deviation.) Anyways, the better word might be "perverted".

If seriously want some examples PM me. I can give you examples (they are really not hard to find at all)
I think you are right lizardfolk, perverted is a better word.
I don't think anyone here would realy want to see an example though.

basicaly, I see it as this.
Looking at it from my point of view, my first thaught about furries when I first saw them was "holy crap, these people are perverts"
But after a while I started meeting people online on deviantart that are furries, and they arn't all perverted. I talked to ones that are in it just because they didn't want to be known on the internet as themselves. They wanted a cool character to represent them online.

I personaly chose to be known as what I am, human. But I'm not against people that use animals or fantacy creatures to represent them.

Thoughts on Furries (such as me)
(129 posts, started )