The online racing simulator
Quote from Bean0 :Maybe the 'German-ness' of the car is affecting the behaviour of BMW drivers here in the UK too

BMWs have indicators???
Quote from STROBE :BMWs have indicators???

They are talking about the fist shaking right?
#28 - Jakg
Quote from Bean0 :I've never seen anything on the road indicate to show the car behind that it is safe to pass, I have seen the driver of a JCB stick his arm out of the window and wave 'pass me' though.

Snap, only replace "JCB" with "Tractor" in a Suffolk-ian Scrawl. :P

Of course, it seems stupid that you would be told that indicators, to INDICATE where you are going would then be used to say something else, though, however useful their function may be.

I know in Ireland using the Hazards as a way of saying "Thanks" is popular, though, but it doesn't confuse other road users.
There trucks to that too but like that
signal left
signal right
signal left
Beamer drivers are the worst i agree, having a Renault myself i find they enjoy pulling out of a junction infront of me about 20 meters ahead to see how good my brakes and horn is.

Oh well, they dont last very long before they get written off anyway
Quote from tenwierdufos :Beamer drivers are the worst i agree, having a Renault myself i find they enjoy pulling out of a junction infront of me about 20 meters ahead to see how good my brakes and horn is.

they have a tendency to cut off or get in front of everyone they can... because they're more important (in their minds....)

Quote from teedot :they have a tendency to cut off or get in front of everyone they can... because they're more important (in their minds....)

beauty of driving a lifted land rover with huge tires, you just go straight over the top lol, problem is i only drive this in my dreams *sigh* lol
#33 - SamH
A funny thing happened on the way to the CTRA servers..
A chat thread.
lol sam like it
#35 - SamH
I merged the indicator natter posts here
When did I make this thread?!
Aaahhh, the joys of generalizing and having a go at people because of the car they drive in.

BTW, I drive a beamer...
not all bmw drivers are bad drivers but it seems that alot of bad drivers do drive bmw's
not all bmw drivers do it, only 99.999% of them

just like not all rover drivers are only on the road on a sunday at 10mph, just 99.999% of them are :P
lol very true nick
I have a pathological hatred of all things Beemer shaped. I drive pretty much all day every day on all sorts of roads in all sorts of conditions and Beemer drivers are by far the worst. And I will go out of my way to make their day even more stressed and fraught as their driving seems to indicate they are having by using my lifted, big wheeled Land Rover (And thats not a dream, man I love that girl, but more of that later) to really cramp their driving style. If it's middle laneing it's a beemer. If it's going 40 in a 50 then it's a beemer driven by an old person. If it comes screaming up behind you light ablaze whilst your already breaking the speed limit then its a young BMW driver, can't scare a 4 andahalf tonne landrover out the way. But a 4 andahalf Tonne landrover can go some way to scaring the bejeezus out of an M3 driver. Hehe. I make it my days mission to find BMW's and hunt them down with ruthless joviality. To bring those phone using, speed freakin', glory huntin', over payed, antisocial playground bullies of the open road to Justice.

Then once I've finished with them I move onto Merc's. 5litres below the hood and they won't go above 40. IN A 60 LIMIT!!! Then they have the audacity to get upset when I'm so far up thier arse I could have retuned the radio . . . . . BAD DRIVERS SUCK!!!

And then it's old people. Old people should be restricted to driving between the hours of 04.00.00 and 04.00.01. You'd think you would get the message when you hear on the traffic report that the road your on seems to be under a rolling roadblock situation but from where your sat the road is perfectly clear.
'Speed check dear, what does that sign say?'
'It say's Fifty Miles per hour Dear.'
'Very good dear, I'm doing 45.3 miles per hour as per my timed calculations over a quarter mile.'
'Not according to your speedometer deer, that appears to be reading 30mph'.
'Just goes to show how much you can't trust technology dear.'
'I'm sure a little faster won't hurt dear.'
'No need, no need. Everything is under control. I shall engine brake at every roundabout too dear, don't want to blow those Brake light bulbs too soon either dear.'

And stick old people in A BMW and/or a mercedes. It just drives me insane. Only today some old blokey pulled out infront of my on a dual carriageway. I mean, a landrover isn't small. Plus I drive with the lights on just to really get the message across. And yet with barely inches to spare over they come. I don't know if they just didn't see me or whether landrovers in the rear view mirror appear further away than they really are . . . . And trust me, you know when you got one of our landrovers mere inches from your back bumper roaring along at 70 miles an hour.

I think they should completly tighten up the driving test. So what if the vast majority fail. It will take more cars of the road (Good for the envroment), take more numpties of the road (Good for my health) and make more people get of thier fat lazy arses and get to work in a more proactive manner (Good for their health)

See, me for president. Come the revolution. Who want's to be my transport minister.

Did I mention I've just brought a BMW? No. Oh. But it's ok because I'm the 0.01% that are actually any good.
Like I'm gonna read all that!
4.5 tonne land rover, hhhhhhhmmmm, pics?
Quote from Funnybear :*snip*

Did I mention I've just brought a BMW? No. Oh. But it's ok because I'm the 0.01% that are actually any good.

Bloody illiterate BMW drivers :rolleyes:
i love the 4.5 tonne landie bit, that would be a 6x6 which is serious land rover nut terretory
Quote from Funnybear :I have a pathological hatred of all things Beemer shaped.
Did I mention I've just brought a BMW? No. Oh. But it's ok because I'm the 0.01% that are actually any good.

That doesn't seem very consistent does it?

But off-course, you're a Beemer driver. Those are the most unconsistent people on earth.
IIRC Scawen drives a beamer

Great read Funnybear Ive seen those old folks driving, normally in a Volvo lol

my dad (nearly 70years) drives at 50mph everywhere round the corners, on the straights everywhere, 50 on the dot, makes me laugh
on the Motorways he ups it a little but I think he worrys about using up all the fuel too fast

UK Drivers worst habits, my top 6:
1/ No indications what so ever, bad lane discipline
2/ Speeding/tailgating (younger drivers)
3/ Too slow on clear roads (older drivers)
4/ Fog lights on when its just raining
5/ No lights on at all in heavy rain/snow etc
6/ Middle lane driving (mway 3 lane)

That's the best excuse ever for speeding:
I wanted to get to the petrol station before I run out!
lol,the fog light one is so bad, and inability to use roundabouts, i am only 15 but spent many years in trucks going all over europe and the uk and i understand how a roundabout works but people are very rarely tought properly and it is really anoying, this is also the place especially near were i live that people just do not indicate