The online racing simulator
WOW - LFS Desktop stats are really good
Have you checked out the new LFS Desktop Online Racer Stats. Splits, pace off WR and laps done... Beautiful result Victor. VERY nice work...

Franke... Click
#2 - ajp71
Thanks Vic, a nice Christmas present
Noticed today, and I like it a lot.
It`s more system over it, or it`s more easy to use. I specially like that the laps are listed too at the same time
easier to use, looks better as well, and gices more info too. Me likey
Also old PBs listed.
Nice, brand new tables. Thanks.
Almost makes me want to have LFS show LITRES per LAP now... otherwise the statistic that I use ".0.43 L/lap" at SO Chicane Route /w FBM means nothing to me...

It really is 1.1% if you speak in LFS terms.

But I like that it is more concise and detailed now, nice job Vic.
Love all the work LFS staff has done over past few weeks!!! love it ALL!! But this this is a great jus so much eayer to read!!!
Very good, Very good.
#9 - X-Ter
Thankyou Victor
I like it.
Ohh, meee likey! Thanks Vic
Just noticed it, and I have to say great work! The charts are more then complete now nice job
It now has me learn that I'm only .99 off the WR with XRG at BL1R
I have just reseted my PBs so i can't see how near I got to the WRs, but I can see that i have just two combos with more than 100 laps.
FE Club - XRG 124 laps
AS National - XRR 396 laps (makes ~ 39 races at Conedodgers, only one is a win :tilt
I like it very much also, great improvement to a great website.
great work
#17 - SamH
Just when you thought things couldn't get any better...

Nice work, Vic! Really well thought-out changes.. brill stuff!!
Great stuff! :up:

But 1 suggestion, maybe if there were headings over each column? It would be a bit easier to understand?
So much easier to read. Excellent!
Quote from niall09 :Great stuff! :up:

But 1 suggestion, maybe if there were headings over each column? It would be a bit easier to understand?

What he said
ohh wow, something useful since lfs live progress
I love it Very nice job devs . Merry Christmas to all LFS´lers :crown:
Sweet Maria, Josef and Jesus, this is great.
Quote from ACCAkut :I have just reseted my PBs so i can't see how near I got to the WRs, but I can see that i have just two combos with more than 100 laps.

That means there is too much of real life left.

You have to drive more!!

I have 117 combos with more than 100 laps.
Quote from niall09 :Great stuff! :up:

But 1 suggestion, maybe if there were headings over each column? It would be a bit easier to understand?

I did think about that, but decided not to put info columns there. The reason for that is that imo there's already a lot of info there to absorb. Having info columns adds yet more words to the listing that would (perhaps have to) repeat for every config.
I thought people would fairly quickly understand the meaning of the columns (splits / laptime / wr diff / lapcount / fuel / date) after which you wouldn't need the info columns anymore, keeping the listing as clean as possible.

Are there people who really had no clue to what the data in the listings meant?