The online racing simulator
Patch Y rocks!
(136 posts, started )
#51 - JTbo
Quote from Crashgate3 :-1 as I find it (and the forces view) very useful for seeing which wheels are locking when adjusting brake balance.

Forces view should be disabled also, very unrealistic, or can you see forces IRL, do you drive often your car few meters behind it? Of course you don't, so these are not realistic, thus those would be good to go.

I'm all in for hardcore mode for us, that know meaning of _real_ simulation
I need to add my 2 cents as well. I was surprised to see all the disappointment throughout the community! I downloaded the first test patch and I thought, why hell, why wasn't this implemented ages ago? I drive the same way I did in the last patch in clutch terms. I always drove the XRR, so lifting and blipping was a must for the endurance circuits. Only time I've overheated the clutch was messing around, when I spin I have my instincts from Richard Burns Rally to mash the clutch in so I don't stall. I'm absolutely satisfied with the new patch and I'm bouncing off the walls waiting for more updates! GTR interiors anyone?
+1 !

The new patch is very VERY good, LFS now is nothing short of amazing. :eclipsee_
#55 - Mc21
Patch Y *sigh*
This whole front page is full of love/hate relationships over patch Y.

Most of the hate threads are either from demo users, or users who use a mouse, therefore complaining their clutch burns easy because they press a button to shift.

Personally, I enjoy the new patch, took a while getting used to, but I like it. Maybe because I own a G25

Now can we all stop arguing over it please.

Merry Christmas
#56 - Osco
was it worth a thread?
Was it worth the spam?
Quote from Mc21 :This whole front page is full of love/hate relationships over patch Y.

Most of the hate threads are either from demo users, or users who use a mouse, therefore complaining their clutch burns easy because they press a button to shift.

Personally, I enjoy the new patch, took a while getting used to, but I like it. Maybe because I own a G25

Now can we all stop arguing over it please.

Merry Christmas

If i already had converted to the usual rude attitude and tone of average LFS wannabe id say: "WTF is the point of the thread.. I mean!!!!!! WTF!?!?! point?!?!?!"

But since im still myself, and not converted to such.. im going to just say... Very merry christmas and happy new year for you too!

EDIT:since some super moderator allready merged the thread, quoted to what thread i replied in the first place.
Another worthless thread, maybe if you take the time to actually read some posts you'll realise that some wheel users are also complaining most of redline racing no longer like the BF1 because it does'nt handle like it used to, it understeers, just plain horrible.

Moderator please delete this thread aa there is no need for it, if you think its good then post in one of the many other "I think patch Y is great" threads!
You guys need to slow down.

Pearcy, this thread is a merge of all the positive threads, and.. the other thread is .. the merge of all the negative threads.
We are doing our best job to clean this place up.
#61 - Osco
Quote from h3adbang3r :Was it worth the spam?

I could've sworn I posted this in reply to thread called Patch Y *sigh*
Argh, did you mods just have to merge those posts into this thread? Patch Y is awesome, where's my beer?
Patch Y Rocks
+1 for patch Y and +100 once I've got a G25
Patch Y is step forward! Absolutely!
haha great thread, the number of cry babies is bigger than ever!

Patch Y is all you need if you like racing!
LFS should be its own OS, racing hardcore!
finaly a positive patch Y thread!
#67 - BURN
<3 Y
Joen your avatars make me rofl
Patch Y is awesome, totally brought LFS back up to specs for me, feels great, WELL DONE to the Devs

Very Happy with Patch Y, went in smooth as silk and I especially like the different camera angles. That Z50 is a slippery little bugger isn't it?

Completely happy with it, also thought it was pretty cool the way all the various cars are lumped together now too.

Excellent work! Many thanks for all the hard work that went into this, Merry Christmas to all.

Thanks devs, nice one :up:
Don't listen to the whiners (I'm sure you're not), you've greatly improved the greatest (non-historical) race sim in existence

+1 for lifting & shifting
Quote from 11SuLLy11 :Tbh I think all other views barr the incar view should be removed

I don't think the "TV" view should be removed :/
Quote from ajp71 :The arcade cleansing begins

Call me when shift+p, custom views and other things are taken out.. those are a no no for sims.
Patch Y FTW!!! The more realism the better as far as I'm concerned. The day I have trouble telling the difference between a racing sim and real life will be the happiest day of my life.

OMG I'm getting a G25 for Christmas... thats like literally 30 hours away. Do I seem excited!?!

Patch Y rocks!
(136 posts, started )