The online racing simulator
WIND on Racing Server?
(16 posts, started )

Poll : Do you prefer WIND enabled Racing Servers?

Yes, Wind enabled is much better
No, Wind sucks - and blows
Yes, but only the LOW setting
There is a wind option?
WIND on Racing Server?
There doesn't seem to be any previous poll so here it goes.

Do you prefer to have Wind on public racing servers?

Personally I much prefer racing with Wind as it requires the driver to adjust and it creates overtaking opportunities through mistakes, rather than every race being a gloryfied hotlap.
sure. i've had some interesting races during wind storms in LFS. :P
None of the options really fit me since i dont think its MUCH better. it just sometimes adds and extra variable to take into account.
Wind can definitely make races more interesting. Can be a pain in the UF1 because you don't feel like you're racing when the wind is keeping you at about 50mph, but it's still a laugh

What I'd like to see is the scenery blocking the wind more though, gusts between buildings in South City, whirling vortexes of wind where there's a lot of wind and nowhere for it to go, etc. Stuff to really knock your car all over the place.
I like wind because it makes the race a bit different everytime. Altough I don't really like the strong wind option since it sometimes creates winds of storm level, it's too much.
Sometimes I loves to have wind enabled, other times it`s just bottering me :P
#6 - MR_B
Quote from Dajmin :What I'd like to see is the scenery blocking the wind more though, gusts between buildings in South City, whirling vortexes of wind where there's a lot of wind and nowhere for it to go, etc. Stuff to really knock your car all over the place.

+1 what a good idea!

From an engineer's point of view I can't stand wind. Also I liked how you phrased option 3.
Funny, most people vote for wind, but when it's actually on, everybody is complaining. I like wind, but it's too unrealistic at the moment. But it's nice to drive when it's on low.

It would be nice if the wind didn't change direction so much, when you restart a race. IRL wind is most of the time coming from one direction. In the UK/Northern Europe it's southwest mostly. Also, high wind is usually too extreme.
Quote from Darkone55 :Funny, most people vote for wind, but when it's actually on, everybody is complaining. I like wind, but it's too unrealistic at the moment. But it's nice to drive when it's on low.

Maybe it's because when you go online, there will a lot of people who don't visit or read the forums, let alone answer polls like this. Also people who visit the forum tend to be more serious about realism than the general population online.
Anything that mixes things up is good in my book.

I try and have various conditions in the Road Sport leagues to keep things interesting.
You want wind, drink plenty of coffee....well thats what it does to me anyway.

On topic, Yeah defo, wind is great on a server, just as long as you get a reminder before each race or something.
I like the wind, as long as it's reasonable.
Quote from geeman1 :Maybe it's because when you go online, there will a lot of people who don't visit or read the forums, let alone answer polls like this. Also people who visit the forum tend to be more serious about realism than the general population online.

That's a very valid point and gives me an idea for an addon
#13 - Woz
I find normally if someone bitches about wind being enabled it means they care more about lap times than racing or they have learnt to drive LFS like a robot and cant deal with it when its enabled. The second case is easy to spot. You hear something like "ffs I brake at my normal marker but can't stop in time whats going on" or something similar where they are sure its not their fault
Quote from Woz :I find normally if someone bitches about wind being enabled it means they care more about lap times than racing or they have learnt to drive LFS like a robot and cant deal with it when its enabled. The second case is easy to spot. You hear something like "ffs I brake at my normal marker but can't stop in time whats going on" or something similar where they are sure its not their fault

#15 - JTbo
If track is outside, there will probably be some of wind so it have to be good thing in sim, right?
First of all, small wind is ok when it makes races little bit different.

However, I still remember the race on Westhill reversed layout at CTRA SS1 where I simply couldn't make it throught the chicane due to strong wind causing heavy understeer in that particular corner and slowing down made me lose downforce, causing even more understeer. That might be due to my lack of driving skills but still made me want to go sit in a corner and cry. :cry:

WIND on Racing Server?
(16 posts, started )