The online racing simulator
1Mb connection via 3G, is it possible?
(8 posts, started )
1Mb connection via 3G, is it possible?
Just done a speedtest, and it would seem that it is. Okay the upload sucks, but the download speed is strangely fast for a phone O_o

It's teh mobile porn gizmo!
I like the ping .
Quote from JohnUK89 :Just done a speedtest, and it would seem that it is. Okay the upload sucks, but the download speed is strangely fast for a phone O_o

Your phone got given around the same download results as my home internet

Oh dear god.
#5 - TiJay
Is that the new 3 Mobile USB dongley thing? I was going to get one but I refuse to pay for the device AND a monthly fee.
It's a 3 Skypephone connected to my PC using bluetooth, on the £5 a month internet add-on. Works reasonable well, although I wouldn't want to game on it...
#7 - TiJay
Can you use any new 3 Mobile phone like that? I might buy one.
Since the bluetooth modem stuff is on most mobiles, I would assume you can. I'm not sure what the limit on data usage is though, I assume it's not too much at all.

1Mb connection via 3G, is it possible?
(8 posts, started )