The online racing simulator
Ah, I totally forgot...

2 Albums by Jay Hooks, who is in my eyes slowly turning out to be one of the greatest Blues-Rockers alive, second only to Joe Bonamassa, if at all.

(Mind you, Gov't Mule still beats everyone and everything, but I'm talking about straight Blues Rock here)

I'll put the second CD in now...
See you later...
#53 - JJ72
Tickets to Autosport international in Birmingham.

Well ain't that a new year present actually.
...reminds me that I've never been to a racing event. (!)
Today morning I was back from the trip to Krasnoyarsk. That was excelent. We had the Festa, quite family holiday, but with a large group of people, and then I staid at a bar with 3 girls from this group. Made new friends, did sightseeing in the city and it's outskirts.

It is also a big industrial city with >1 million population, but the wonderful feature is it's historical centre. It wasn't influenced much by Stalin's period architecture, neither by Khruschev's ugly boxes. It's pure 18-19th centuries' nice buildings. In my city there is only a few of such houses, but in Krasnoyarsk they are almost everywhere in the centre.

I thought about buying a PC device, but these things will stay with me forever.

Here are some pics. Distorted by lens, yep. Filenames contain the descriptions.

The weather was about -19°C without wind but very humid, it's not a problem to move indoor-to-indoor or in a bus, but definitely not for walking outside. The natives said I'm a nutter.
Attached images
A raw of awings at the entrances of shops.jpg
Center, 1 (hard to judge if it's tsar's or Stalin's period).jpg
Center, 2 (definitely older than the Revolution).jpg
Krasnoyarsk kray philarmonic society, the organ hall.jpg
Modern and old (looks like Stalin's period - because of quite many rectangles).jpg
The Native South Siberian birds.jpg
The new vauxhall (built in 2004), clean and shiny inside and outside.jpg
The aircraft crashed in the building intentionally by GPS. HHJK..jpg
#57 - Jakg
Bought myself Falcon 4.0 AF and GT Legends
A Frex steering wheel adapter, wheelbox+ and a Sparco LN270 wheel.
Quote from mrodgers :.....Hung up the phone, called Direct TV and ordered a receiver, DVR receiver and dish all for free. I'll now actually get all the programming I pay for.....

And now I am REALLY P***ED OFF!!!!! 3 month old pup woke us up because she needed to go outside and I walk out to the living room to find she chewed up the f'ing remote to the new system. AAAARRRGGGGG!!!!!!

Sorry, the wife is in bed still so I can't scream that out loud right now. I'm so ticked off I can't get back to sleep!
Poor puppy, I am sure any young dog could've mistaken a remote for a toy :o At least it isn't as bad as it pooping and making a mess everywhere inside the house right? (I hated that when house training my dogs)

You can get a replacement at least right? (The remote, not the puppy )
Battlefield 2

A new keyboard

Nothind exciting.
#63 - Vain
A FFB-joystick. FFB-Shifter, here I come!!!

Bought myself a snowboard + accessories for christmas. A good driver needs good physical fitness!
I bought myself a set of Logitech z5500 5.1 speakers (505 watt)

They are quite impressive, but need software for the Audigy 2 ZS, as i dont want to pay £8 from Creative, and cant get the best out of these speakers

ANyone know where i can get a copy??

The software didn't ship with the card? And how will it improve the sound of the speakers, surely that's totally down to the chipset?

Anyway, my prezzie was the one in the middle (see attached image):
Attached images
Monitor Madness labelled_resize.jpg