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(37 posts, closed, started )
Terrorism in the modern sense is violence or other harmful acts committed (or threatened) against civilians for political or other ideological goals.

thats as far as im going with that, or this thread will be locked faster than you can say political.....
Quote from scoobyrbac :thats as far as im going with that, or this thread will be locked faster than you can say political.....


EDIT: It's not closed yet.
Quote from scoobyrbac :Terrorism in the modern sense is violence or other harmful acts committed (or threatened) against civilians for political or other ideological goals.

Which is why the WTC attack doesn't make any sense at all. In fact, I can't think of a single other act of terrorism that was anything like what happened in NYC; especially given the scale of it.

So long as you think of terrorists as psychopaths who act entirely out of spite then the WTC event can be taken at face value, but damn, looking back on it today with a better understanding of who Al Qaeda actually are it's pretty clear we have not been told the true story.
Quote from thisnameistaken :I was thinking about the WTC attack last week, but I won't share my thoughts about it.


Quote from thisnameistaken :
So long as you think of terrorists as psychopaths who act entirely out of spite then the WTC event can be taken at face value, but damn, looking back on it today with a better understanding of who Al Qaeda actually are it's pretty clear we have not been told the true story.

Are you still wondering why you have been banned, wheel4hummer? illepall
(JamesF1) DELETED by JamesF1 : meh. cba
I'm not sure what to think about it...

There were many innocent people killed on both sides...
Quote from Jakg :It's a sad shame that lots of innocent people died on both sides of the fence for no real reason

There's definitely a 'real' reason, but maybe not a 'moral' one.

Quote from deggis :I would still draw a line between war and terrorism.

If I was to get political I could say that war is just state-sponsored terrorism, but I won't.

Anyway, tomorrow I'll be thinking victims of inhumanity, no matter what part of the world they came from.
Quote from BlakjeKaas :There were many innocent people killed on both sides...

There have been worse events then the war in Iraq. Look at how many people are killed from genocide, like in Rwanda in 1994, and right now in Darfur. Most importantly, Is a soldier considered innocent? Isn't it possible that the soldiers fighting with the army in Iraq right now are fighting because they would be considered a traitor to Iraq/Terrorist Organization/etc.?
Theres Marines \m/, Army, Army Reserves, Air National Guard (i think) and a couple more..
Quote from STROBE :To which army are you referring?

It's very obvious I am refering too Al Qaeda.... Why would the US army be afraid of being a traitor to al qaeda?
ok. thats plenty political talk. and off topicness.

R.I.P those from 9/11 Condolenses to all those that have lost somebody.

I'm now closing this thread whilst its still on a good note.
This thread is closed

(37 posts, closed, started )