The online racing simulator
#26 - shim
the rubber lines you see on the track from the very first lap are from what Eric has done to the track.. from my knowlage ya cant get rid of em..
Yes you can (iirc). You delete a file I think, maybe the path files (might be better to over write them with the plain ones from the zip.
Geeze, I like the rubber. Was it changed becuase it didn't appear to have accumulated this much in the last version. I like it.
What car(s) are you driving/watching. The Sauber (I refuse to call it a BMW cos then it would suck) builds it up much faster than the others.
I know in patch Q, if you stayed at the same server all night, the rubber would stay for a few races. After a few races, the track would be clean on the next restart. I think I saw this at Westhill in GTR's (patch S/T) as I stayed there for quite some time. You see the rubber from the previous races as well for about 3 or 4 races. Then on the 5th race, the track is clean and the buildup starts over again.
Hm I dunno. I had a really black FE Gold and now I let the AI F1 drive on it and all went to hell. Track isnt clean fully just its minor rubber on it now. Will try tomorrow if it will build up online again.
I turn on path update when I run a WR replay. Then I turn it off again. The darker line caused by the WR replay stays there forever. If you don't update it (i.e. path is turned off), the line stays there indefinately.
Quote from shim :the rubber lines you see on the track from the very first lap are from what Eric has done to the track.. from my knowlage ya cant get rid of em..

Wrong. That's the way most other games do it. LFS does not. It's all based on where YOU drive. (and other people and AI if you have it set that way as explained above)

Eric (generally) dictates the lines on a track through his creation of the corners. But it's your driving that creates the racing groove on the track. It's very possible to have a racing groove down the back straight of Blackwood that is all kinds of squiggly.
Quote from tristancliffe :I turn on path update when I run a WR replay. Then I turn it off again. The darker line caused by the WR replay stays there forever. If you don't update it (i.e. path is turned off), the line stays there indefinately.

Hm interesting but how many laps you had to let the replay run for such a rubber lol and still now I need to know how to get ride of the rubber in first place. I did extrac a new zip into the apart of .exe and its still there.
Maybe extract the .exe in a new .zip folder?
If I only could extract the license like in rfactor.
Quote from Forbin :Wrong. That's the way most other games do it. LFS does not. It's all based on where YOU drive. (and other people and AI if you have it set that way as explained above)

Eric (generally) dictates the lines on a track through his creation of the corners. But it's your driving that creates the racing groove on the track. It's very possible to have a racing groove down the back straight of Blackwood that is all kinds of squiggly.

I also tried that. Made a massive circle burnout in front the start finish line. Used all my 3 tyres and even then kept doing it until it was pure black color. After I restarted there was no sign of it left. So It cant be where you actually drive. Must be some presets there or else how do you explain this.
theres 2 types of tyre marks right, the short term ones and the long term racing line one thats on the track. maybe its not just from skids but from traffic in the corner that does it?
Quote from Sawyer :I also tried that. Made a massive circle burnout in front the start finish line. Used all my 3 tyres and even then kept doing it until it was pure black color. After I restarted there was no sign of it left. So It cant be where you actually drive. Must be some presets there or else how do you explain this.

I suspect that there is a limitation in the feature in that you can't have 2 grooves on the same length of track, which is basically what you're doing when you drive in circles. If you start at the right side of the track and walk across your path to the left side, you intersect your path twice. But trust me, it is NOT preset.
The tyre marks on the track have always been reset when you restart the session as far as i can remember
(Schooner) DELETED by Schooner
Quote from Spies :The tyre marks on the track have always been reset when you restart the session as far as i can remember

Skid marks are not the same thing as the racing groove. The racing groove was actually in LFS long before skidmarks.
Why I have soooooo much rubberline?
I will have a little bit but not soo much!
And i don't reinstall LfS because the Skins,Sets ........ .
Wow this is an old post but, I didn't want to start a new thread so heads a question that did not get answered reading this thread.

Does the rubber buildup a/effect <-(forgot which to use) the grip of the track in the sectons where there is any/a lot of buildup? Also, if there is any change in grip, would having update path off make it so there is no change in grip?

Leg of Lamb
The racing line doesn't affect the grip (yet).
Quote from AndroidXP :The racing line doesn't affect the grip (yet).

I like the (yet) at teh end of your sentence.
Quote from legoflamb :I like the (yet) at teh end of your sentence.

[OT]We're all ega yetti people [/OT]
Just skimmed through the thread and noticed that Tristan pointed out that the racing groove can be reset by deleting a file. The file is called (for example): BL1.trs and is located in /data/knw/. Delete the file to reset the groove.
OMG, amazing, i never noticed the racing groove changed over time and got any darker! I read the whole thread carefully and I'm astonished by the fact that the raceline is not hardcoded at all, or the fact that the raceline was hardly noticable at the first times i played LFS. I could kill myself for not noticing this, i'm far too much into details fot that :P

I never removed my game installation over time, only added lots of stuff and made duplicates, but that 'groove' information remained untouched. I's just a bit strange that when racing over 15000 laps on Aston Club with a FormulaXR (online at Redline, loads of players) the line is still not very dark at all. Could there be some possible explanation for this?

Oh and btw, why are people so scared of changing their LFS installation? You can easily make more copies of them since LFS is not an 'installation' integrated into the System's registry. The term 'installing LFS' is thereby impossible. Also people who lose all their game information on reinstalling the OS makes me *sigh* ,definately when they keep asking for setups over and over again because of their silly actions. Is it that much to ask to understand the basics of your filesystem? It's the least you should know when using a computer IMHO. (This came up when i read WIGGA's post, your reasons for not "re-installing" are hilarious)


Tnx for giving the solution to the main question, at last
Quote from BruTaLysT :I's just a bit strange that when racing over 15000 laps on Aston Club with a FormulaXR (online at Redline, loads of players) the line is still not very dark at all. Could there be some possible explanation for this?

It's not about how much laps you've done on that track overall, but how long the race you're currently in lasts... The longer the race is, the darker the groove gets... The number of participants in that race are a factor too I think, but I'm not so sure about that...
The dark line has nothing to do with the length of the current race at all. It has to do with how much the track is driven in total. It doesn't erase after every session.

@Brut; the reason is that there is a LOT of crappy drivers on that server who can't keep going on the racing line properly, plus some people have some different lines. The racing line doesn't develop because the game sees so many different lines being run at the same time.

Go into your options and set 'Update Path' to 'user.' That will make the line darker where you drive, and if you are consistant in your line, it will get darker and pronounced.
Simply not true... Or how would you explain the fact that the groove gets very dark in a longer BF1 race and when you restart, it's light again?
It always used to be constant. Not sure if it still is. A lot feinter than it used to be though, and the cfg.txt tricks no longer seem to work (iirc).