The online racing simulator
It's Official... Cats Love LFS!
(56 posts, started )
Ofcourse with the kitten's weight advantage it could just cat-apult past the whole field
Bad Puns!!!
Only if it doesn't pussy-foot on the straights
Quote from Gentlefoot :I know - it was a very 'paw' show

Not to mention the fact that the kitten is not likely to get any fur-ther than T1. Unless he's right at the tail end

Are you my dad?
No seriously... are you? :jawdrop:
Very nice pet
i heard redline banned cats from using their servers, they just spent most of the time stuck in the kitty litter...

not surprising really because its racing (fe)lines were crap
I love cats

Very well done m8!

Cute cat. My cat used to sit on my keyboard sometimes, but it didn't show any interest to what i was doing (trying to do).
Quote from ayrton senna 87 :i heard redline banned cats from using their servers, they just spent most of the time stuck in the kitty litter...

not surprising really because its racing (fe)lines were crap

look we only ban those cats that ruin the races of other felines,
if all cats followed the rules we'd have no problems

i will post a picture later of my cat who also loves lfs
I hat to interrupt the puns and lolcattery, but I thought I'd point out that my cat actually hates LFS, as it draws my attention away from what he feels is most important. Namely, himself. He has a knack for jumping up on my desk in front of my monitor split seconds before tricky braking zones, resulting in spectacular crashes.

I actually have an MPR called %$#&INGCAT.MPR (only not censored), in which I had a sure second place finish ruined by him. I'm thinking of reporting him to the Wrecker Barricade.
Quote from lawdog :
I actually have an MPR called %$#&INGCAT.MPR (only not censored), in which I had a sure second place finish ruined by him. I'm thinking of reporting him to the Wrecker Barricade.

Your cat has a license!?
(please note that demo cats cannot be reported to barricade)
Quote from Aquilifer :Your cat has a license!?
(please note that demo cats cannot be reported to barricade)

well - no system is purr-fect.
Awww cute
I love cats, and cats love LFS!
#39 - Nobo
Quote from Crazy Harry :I love cats

Very well done m8!


I remember an oval race, i think it was 150 or 200 laps, some sort of team race i think. Was fighting for the win with my mate (Harry). It looked good the we could catch the car in front of us, which was in the lead by half a lap. Then Suddenly the car i was drafting with crashed and i just heared a laugh in ventrilo.
Actually his cat jumped on him while the event! Cats really love LFS!!!
My cat is causing Chaos!!! See attachment...
Attached images
You wouldn't happen to own "Kitty Litterature", the "purr-fect gift for any cat lover", Gentlefoot .
Quote from Gentlefoot :No - but I saw it in the cat-alogue

Well, you definitely are the (Lion-)King of cat puns, that's for sure, and this thread obviously had a cat-alytic effect on that gift of yours .

(I know, I'm a cheap copy-cat)
Oh dear, Gentlefoot, these jokes almost had me crying
your jokes are cat-astrophically a-paw-ling, ive seen YOU ALL taking cat naps on the race track! only a few of you know what its like to be in a cat and mouse race. and i dread to think of how many you so called "cats" grew up thinking about being race drivers as "kittens" i bet none of you was litter trained as a kitten...i wont go on cos even i know im doing really crap here
Aww, it got moved to off-topic! Or should I say... "pawww, it got moved to off topic"
Quote from Mp3 Astra :Aww, it got moved to off-topic! Or should I say... "pawww, it got moved to off topic"

I actually thought this thread would die once it got moved to Off Topic, but it seems to have landed on its feet. It must have nine lives or something.

Quote from Aquilifer :Your cat has a license!?
(please note that demo cats cannot be reported to barricade)

Back on topic, yes, he does. We were supposed to run some head to head LAN races this evening, but he had to scratch due to another committment that came up.
Cat and LFS?

Oldschool cat:
Attached images
My frend has a Alsatian dog which is very clever knows how to drive around the Blackwood GP using a DFP!:hyper: Except that the throttles and the brakes are controlled by my frend himself...

It's Official... Cats Love LFS!
(56 posts, started )