The online racing simulator
Engine Differing
(15 posts, started )
Engine Differing

Ive just had a good suggestion which came across me but ide like to share it with you, just to see what you think. Here i go:

In karting and racing cars engines can differ, For example My kart/car Engine could give out 12.8BHP, but a backmarkers engine who didnt bother to tune his has 11.3BHP. As this does make a vast ammount of difference i was wondering if it has any part in LFS? Like for example you can tune your car engines your self, after so long it needs retunning. I think this would make it alot more interesting and it wouldnt just involve the setup, it involves the car engine aswell?

I'm all for reality, but most of that setup stuff is already above my head, now you want people to fine-tune their engine? Ok, it's a simulator, but it still has to be accessible for people without a mechanics degree or something.
Well im 14 and im at school, maybe there could be some sort of guide? Its not the case the settings in the engine. Its the bothering doing it. The game needs to be realistic
Quote from dmwright :Well im 14 and im at school, maybe there could be some sort of guide? Its not the case the settings in the engine. Its the bothering doing it. The game needs to be realistic

The trouble is that as soon as one person 'bothers doing it' everyone will copy those settings.
Quote from dmwright :Well im 14 and im at school, maybe there could be some sort of guide? Its not the case the settings in the engine. Its the bothering doing it. The game needs to be realistic

The best guide would be an automotive engineering degree (3 years after A-Levels (all of which should be science based), and than about 20 years in a relevant automotive job. If you are lucky you'll learn enough then. Until then I don't think it's worth bothering with.
Quote from dmwright :Well im 14 and im at school, maybe there could be some sort of guide? Its not the case the settings in the engine. Its the bothering doing it. The game needs to be realistic

I'd love to see you in a cart race mate, you would get bored and wreck others, just like in LFS.
#8 - wark
Quote from BlueFlame :I'd love to see you in a cart race mate, you would get bored and wreck others, just like in LFS.

Where'd that come from?

He's just mad because in GPL there's only 2 other cars to wreck online, and those only show up when the stars align.
I think being able to tune the engines would be nice.

Timing, Valves, etc.
Quote from StewartFisher :The trouble is that as soon as one person 'bothers doing it' everyone will copy those settings.

The trouble is, that this happens with setups and it is also user preference, I don't use other peoples setup unless its an openwheeled car(which i have trouble with)
Quote from Ricerguy :The trouble is, that this happens with setups and it is also user preference, I don't use other peoples setup unless its an openwheeled car(which i have trouble with)

How is engine performance 'user preference'? More power = good. Maybe some people would prefer a more 'driveable' engine than the most powerful available but over time I think you'll see one engine setup dominating.
#13 - wark
Yup. Wear and reliability (as well as economy and expense) aren't an issue in LFS.

Might as well be able to change the frame and chassis materials in the garage to various kinds of unobtainium and choose the lightest one.

Or how about the ability to change the wheels' track width? :ices_rofl
#14 - Woz
I wish people would just learn to drive BETTER than ask for more power. Do all the people that want to be able to tune more power into the engine actually believe that they will be the ONLY people to tune their engine in this way. Do they believe they will gain some advantage as they have an extra 5bhp that nobody else has.

Given the choice of more or less power EVERYONE will just pick more power so they can compete on an equal footing. Most people already just use the inferno sets and this will still happen.

Adding engine tuning just brings FAR more need for spec based racing where everyone has the same set so you know that a win mean you are the better driver.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :He's just mad because in GPL there's only 2 other cars to wreck online, and those only show up when the stars align.

LMAO, awesome, simply awesome response .

Engine Differing
(15 posts, started )