The online racing simulator
Dynamic Racing newest member
(30 posts, started )
Dynamic Racing newest member
Dynamic Racing would like to welcome our newest recruit.

He is from the old and well know ITEK Racing Team, with lots of experience and many different things under his belt.

We would all like to welcome [DR] STROBE to our team. S2 username being STROBE, I'm sure many of you know him very well.

He is a friendly guy so I'm sure he will fit into our team very well!
Never heard of him

Well done and good luck
#3 - Jakg
ooooo, congrats, dont remember much of STROBE but i remember him in the STCC/ITEK and he's recentlybeen popping up more on the forums
Spin my nipple nuts and call me Jakg.

Edit: All the ones post count.
Quote from jamesrowe :S2 username being STROBE, I'm sure many of you know him very well.

Don't bank on it, I like being rather anonymous. :shhh:
Quote from The General Lee :Spin my nipple nuts and call me Jakg.

Edit: All the ones post count.

No thanks, you can do it yourself

Good to have him aboard Another brave soilder to fight in the anti PR battle known as james rowe lol.
I'm sorry strobey, didn't know you was the quiet type :P

Chris, I thought your middle initials were PR. Christopher P R Roe
Gratz too both Dr and the new driver
Well good luck Strobe.
He surely is a nice addition to Dynamic, he has many talents
Quote from LRB_Aly :Well good luck Strobe.
He surely is a nice addition to Dynamic, he has many talents

He is a very nice addition, I'm sure we will look after him well. Give him lots of group hugs and kisses....
Quote from jamesrowe : Give him lots of group hugs and kisses....

I only kiss and hug Kate........
Gongratz guys
Quote from niall09 :Gongratz guys

Thanks Nial

Kate is only mine to hug and kiss sully, well.. yeah
Quote from Arrow. :sounds like a threesome :leb:

That sounds fun, want to make it a foursome Josh?
add me in too, i always love a bit of Kate
you guys are terrible LOL. thats gonig to be one weird looking baby....sure hope the bed is big enough
Quote from funnybone2 :you guys are terrible LOL. thats gonig to be one weird looking baby....sure hope the bed is big enough

Well seen as the baby will be mine, them lot ain't going near my sexy angel . Shes hot so the baby will look just fine
Quote from jamesrowe :Well seen as the baby will be mine, them lot ain't going near my sexy angel . Shes hot so the baby will look just fine

If it's a boy call him Kevin
Congratulations DR! . STROBE is a familiar name altho don't remember when we raced

nah nah, thats amateur stuff there lads. Sixsome is da shizzle . I'll satisfy your gal james .
Quote from Leprekaun :Congratulations DR! . STROBE is a familiar name altho don't remember when we raced

nah nah, thats amateur stuff there lads. Sixsome is da shizzle . I'll satisfy your gal james .

Yeah I'm sure you have raced him sometime, you probably can't remember where due to him being so far out in front

The only girl you will be satisfying is sully
Quote from jamesrowe :Yeah I'm sure you have raced him sometime, you probably can't remember where due to him being so far out in front

The only girl you will be satisfying is sully

Nah, don't worry m8, Sully's satisfied . Kate's turn now! .

Just tell her one thing, can she handle the Leprekaun? because I can be too much for most gals .
Quote from Leprekaun : Sully's satisfied


I'm never satisfied enough there is alway's room for more
Why is it that you two Irish idiots spam this?

Dynamic Racing newest member
(30 posts, started )