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Guess, Duran Duran - Out of my mind?
Song title is very close
I'm guessing the song name is 'Out of your head' but I have no clue what on Earth the band name is.
I managed to find the artist by searching for the song title in the right place. So even if you're clueless it's not difficult to find out.
The D4 - Out of My Head
Huzzah! I got one right!

Here's one... excuse the crappy paint skills.
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cradle of filth - nymphetamine fix ?
Yuppers! I expected it to last a little longer than 9 minutes.. lol
best of all i dont think ive ever heard a single song from cradle of filth

here ya go ... pretty easy especially if you were a kid when i was and share the same childhood heros
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Dang, you drew that Eagle in paint? You're good Shotglass, you're good.


Eagles - Hole in the World
I have to say shotglass, you're goming up with some very elaborate and detailed MS Paint creations.
impressive huh ?

btw does anybody know a ps filter that makes pics look like paint ?

oh and maggot ... nope you fell for that one
Dang I thought I had that one for sure. lol
Fragile EArth : Birds as Prey

Urbanora Science : Birds of Prey
nope think more abstract what the circles look like
plus the childhood heros imho is a dead giveaway
Those circles remind me of Hypnodisc, from Robot Wars.
The only things that come to my mind from the first pic is Bottomless pit, or Bullseye/target?
nope think about food
what ???? no !
Something about lollipops and eagles.. idk
Do we all give up?

The MS-Paint Music Quiz
(961 posts, started )