The online racing simulator
ranex 1501
(8 posts, started )
ranex 1501
the ranex 1501 is a device wich shows the callers number on the display. u need to connect it with your home phone. it has a 'large' display... kinda
is there an op or could some1 make 1 so it could display information from the game live for speed?
like gear, speed fuel etc... it has got 2 buttons to scroll up and down.. and it has 2 connectors to connect phone and line(for the phone thing)
it would be cool if this could be done.. if any1 needs more info to make an app, ask here..

i would really appreciate it and if i need to help u guys with something i'm willing to help...
Do they have an SDK? What language is it in?
what do you mean??
i'm dumb kinda
explain... plz?
As far as I can tell from surfing google, this device does not connect to a computer. It appears to only have connection to a telephone line.

If my brief search is correct then there is no means to send it information, because it doesnt connect to a computer.

Another devices which does not connect to a computer is a baseball bat, which in a strange twist of fate does happen to be compatible with your Ranex 1501.
but if you have a modem in your computer you might be able to....... :/
Quote from Becky Rose :

Another devices which does not connect to a computer is a baseball bat, which in a strange twist of fate does happen to be compatible with your Ranex 1501.

Quote from GeForz :but if you have a modem in your computer you might be able to....... :/


oh, ill maybe just take the display and find a DIY to use the display
The information it looks for is sent by the exchange so that would require two telephone lines and you could dial yourself, I suspect the only information displayed would be the number of the other telephone line.

Doing a direct connection to send dedicated information you would have to write some kind of telephone exchange software emulator.

I'm not sure what could be done though, you can open a stream on the COM port which would achieve very little as there would be no recipient for the stream, or you could send Hayes commands to the COM device, which would give you the ability to ATDT (dial with tone) and ATH (hang up) which isn't going to achieve anything either.

I'm not sure what method telephone exchanges use to send information, some kind of handshaking or carrier signal, but I think you'd have to write your own COM driver to achieve that.

In short, it's not possible. (Remember that the modem is a MODulator DEModulator, the Ranex isn't. So although the connections would fit there's nothing a modem can send to the Ranex that would be translateable).

ranex 1501
(8 posts, started )