The online racing simulator

Poll : February's avatar - tick all that appeal

Closed since :
First game you ever played
Pit Girls
Album covers
Film villans
Photo of yourself
Photo of one of your hands
obscure outdated electronic equipment
(Respectable) Portrait of Tinyk
Self portrait
If so, I'm have Indy 500.
Superkarts! One of the first games I played.

Quote from (SaM) :So we have a winner? We'll have a piss with the Album Cover people and be our own cool group with lame arcade games avatars.

#54 - joen
I think I'll take pole position, ultra old skool

what about a "how you think tinyk looks like in real life"-image, done in paint?
Oh yeah, one other game I remember from the same period (might even be the absolute first game I played. And after some research, it was indeed a Commodore 64.

Circus Charlie

You had to jump flaming hoops, make vaults over trampolines and swing from one trapeze to another.

Quote from ORION :what about a "how you think tinyk looks like in real life"-image, done in paint?

bad idea ... if i took my mental image of tiny and put it here id either end up with a ban or a pitch black ava
Quote from ORION :what about a "how you think tinyk looks like in real life"-image, done in paint?

You need to go out more.


EDIT: That's a great avatar!
That's exactly how I pictured Tiny! :dopey: Coinfidence.
holy shit... i remember that!!!! that was an awesome game! indy500.... wow... i still have my amiga somewhere gathering dust!
Quote from (SaM) :That's exactly how I pictured Tiny! :dopey: Coinfidence.

Somehow I can't relate to your post after seeing your smiley of choice.
These were the games i played when i was 2-12 years old :

Prince of Persia (first game i played):

Sokoban(original)(second game i first played):
(can't find image of original game)

Cisco Heat:

Ski Or Die:

(could not find a image)

Lotus 3 The Ultimate Challenge:

Ivan Stewart's Super Off Road:

Commander Keen:

great - now that we don't use cats I probably have to come up with Accolade's Grand Prix, Stunts or Jumpjet. Or Ski Free
So where's Bob the forum police, would be time for a vote
Quote from R1K89 :
(could not find a image)

Commander Keen:

Stunts: I used to play that when I was at my cousin, I really sucked at it, I always crashed at some kind of tunnel / looping I always wondered what the game was called!

Commander Keen: Oh I hate that game, my gf used to play it when she was little, and when she found a floppy with the game she kept playing it, and I hate those sounds!
Quote from deggis :So where's Bob the forum police, would be time for a vote

Poll added. Multi-choice this time, want to see how that works out.
Goofy Puppets...

or, Don't change your avatar at all for one whole month
Voted for pies. Gives me an excuse to bake something
How about the "Scan your Face Avatar Month"?
too late, voting is on already
Quote from Highsider9 :How about the "Scan your Face Avatar Month"?

Hoping the "Photo of yourself" option wins now.. so that I can then scan a few photos/face....mind you there are probably already weird pics of me floating on the forum..... somewhere

I think you have spies in your midst - how else would you get 5 votes for album covers in the 'not album covers' thread?
Quote from R1K89 :

Ivan Stewart's Super Off Road:

Hahahahhaha the image says "Huevos grande" xD it means "Big Balls"
Don't vote for pit girls. Or do you really want to have a boner all the time you're reading this forum?